We need PVP'ers

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by Crimson_Flare, Apr 10, 2013.

  1. Crimson_Flare New Player

    Hello all, we are a high geared high skillpoint hero league on the US PS3. Our league name is Skills Matter.

    While we can blast through any pve content, five man prime, have all pve feats etc.... we lack players who pvp. Only a hand full of us pvp regularly, we have trouble filling the 5v5s and the 8v8s so we are looking to recruit some good players.

    If you have skill points and gear, and want to run with a good league, please send me a pm or hit me up in game with the name on my signature. Thanks
  2. Crimson_Flare New Player

    Looks like I need to ad, if your going to contact me, please have knowledge of the game first, please understand the difference in gear, CR, SP, Mods, etc... Thanks, I look forward to hearing from more of you. Preferably more seasoned veterans of DCUO : )