Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Dead13, Jul 16, 2018.

  1. IThe MasterI Active Player

    Saying "I don't want new powers" is like saying, "I don't want the new iphone to support any new apps." o_O
    -It's like, -umm.. I don't think you really know what's going on here. lol -Or even where you are right now....
  2. Ergotth Committed Player

    WOULD we like a new power? probably, new stuff is always fun. Do we NEED it? Don't be a drama queen...
  3. Krypto Blue New Player

    We don’t need a new power. We need an OP face (Mepps glasses of omnipotence.)
  4. Alrighty Then Loyal Player

    Mental still broken; how about we fix that first!
  5. Malachyte Devoted Player

    So what power is even left ? Air ? LOL
    How about a power that will cause absolute destruction and one shot everything.....
    with Supercharges called Eternal Nagging and Constant Interference .... That will be the end all be all DPS power
  6. Savior Prime Dedicated Player

    Just as long as they are balancing powers and not players. I remember people would cry a power was OP based on PvP a few years ago, so the devs kept changing the powers around. I think the powers are pretty much balanced for the most part, thou some needs some tweeks. Just balance the powers measured against other powers and not balancing powers based on players. 2 people with the exact same loadout and stats can do the same rotation, and have completely different results on the scorecard.
  7. Savior Prime Dedicated Player

    As far as new powers, there are many to choose from thats not in game, and some that are. Why can't we have weather power like weather wizard, or mirror powers like mirror master? I would love to see a new movement mode ... teleportation (I know thats a hard one to work into the game, but would be nice if possible)
  8. Batrederik Dedicated Player

    "Yes Indeed" And we need a throwing batarang as well .. It should work like this (at varying degrees) For! long range + all-out assaul. OR An Artifact batarang! for ranged attacks**
  9. Ryuvain Active Player

    Vampire powers as a unique reviving/drain healer/tank would make my day.
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  10. Savior Prime Dedicated Player

    Making 500,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 threads begging, demanding, and asking for new powers isn't going to make it happen. The devs don't really respond to our requests when it comes with new content. They have a history to show this fact. And technically, your violating forum rules by creating multiple threads on one topic. They don't like that. Trust me, I know.

    They are not, and will not in the near future add a new power.
  11. RLManuel Committed Player

    I just want new powers added to the existing ones, and new iconic ones...
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  12. recoil2 Dedicated Player

    if the powers we have now were expanded upon we wouldn't even need anymore powers short of maybe ghost, air, or chemical warfare powers, possibly light/darkness powers as well as these can be distinctly understood to be separate from hardlight/corrupted celestial. any other power can pretty much be understood to be a sub facet of an already existing powerset like animal summoning for nature, magnetism would work with electricity, serums would be a subset of gadgets etc.
  13. WraithShadow13 Active Player

    I'm still hoping for a Darkness/Shadow powerset, like The Shade/Obsidian sometime soon. I'm just hoping it has a good mechanic and isn't a useless control set.
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