We need more people on the villain side

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by iLove Frannyyy, Oct 16, 2013.

  1. iLove Frannyyy New Player

    I'm tired of waiting at least half an hour for raids
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  2. The Vigilante Committed Player

    DCUO needs to incentivize rolling a villain.

    Also, I have ran into quite a few players who should have been honest with themselves and rolled a villain instead of a hero. Especially the ones who named their hero-side characters names like deathkillermurderer666 and the ones who mistreat other players.
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  3. NyteSkye New Player

    I'm a villain.
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  4. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    Here's an incentive: Create a villain on EUPS3 and you can run content with Torikumu :)
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  5. iLove Frannyyy New Player

    Don't you hate the waiting times?
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  6. PurexEnergy New Player

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  7. iLove Frannyyy New Player

    Whoops fixed it :p
  8. TroEL Dedicated Player

    Maybe if these backwards a** devs had some forward thinking instead of letting their own greed cloud their judgement they could've killed 2 birds with one stone.

    I.E. buying account bound feats. If they did something proactive, like for instance, making purchasable feats only active for a toon opposoite role of your main, then they'd be on to something. Not only does that bolster the villain side and the community as a whole but also quells the bemaoning multitude clamoring for account bound sp

    Now i'm not saying this is a perfect answer, i can already hear the outcry from the villain side opposing this idea. Look, I don't have all the answers but I think this is a more productive idea then just letting anyone and everyone buy feats. At least this idea serves a higher purpose...other than greed
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  9. ZEUSofGODS Dedicated Player

    I've rolled over several villains the other day as they were doing missions.... I agree, I should receive incentive for beating down those dirty villains!!! I've place many a villain into Arkham... Maybe that's why ur population is so low....
  10. The Vigilante Committed Player

    Errr. Yeah.

    2 soder colas per five villains/foes defeated is the going incentive rate.

    Also I don't play a villain character. Well I created one once but as soon as I emerged from the nightclub post-braniac ship I witnessed a 5 minute long discussion in LFG concerning the most efficacious way to keep ones own feces fresh. I have never played villain-side since.
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  11. Shinzumakami New Player

    I've never created a hero character, always been a villain since day 1.....

    We should give all the roleplaying, hipster villains to the heroes for more mature players
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  12. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    IMO the one bright spot with account bound sp hopefully will be more heros make villain alts and play them
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  13. Ilunis Dedicated Player

    Give me a faction respec token. I'll gladly leave the idiocy of the hero side chat on USPC.
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  14. BRITTENY Dedicated Player

    I stopped playing my villain :( One day I might go back. I just haven't found the right group of people to keep me interested on the villain side. I love my hero league :)
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  15. Zuse Loyal Player

    i like the villain side...but if i could rob a bank and heroes came to stop me i would never leave my villain char and only stay on that char for ever
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  16. Miss Adora Loyal Player

    I play both hero and villain side. I play my villain everyday a long with my heroes.
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  17. Maxx_Watt Loyal Player

    Wow only a 1/2 hour for raids, I usually wait longer for trigons prison, the other alerts haven't popped in days, I've almost given up on duos. PvP is long as well to the point I don't bother.
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  18. ReggieLightning New Player

    They should make the Villian T6 or T7 or the tiers to come different from the hero styles,instead of making them identical.Make them ACTUALLY look more evil and villiany.
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  19. myandria Item Storage

    Hmm...I must admit, DCUO gives me no incentive to play my villians. I loved creating them, but playing them was not rewarding enough for me to keep playing them.
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  20. iLove Frannyyy New Player

    Hmm what do you guys think cuz I'm thinking of just leaving my villain and leveling up my hero