Water Might DPS - Single Target

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Tilz, Mar 8, 2021.

  1. Tilz Loyal Player

    Hello fellow Water (and used to be Water) Players!

    Recently went back to Water to heal SM and with double XP I finally got some artifacts up.

    For Multitarget I got a nice loadout where I can Keep up with These CR331 prec dps (I am cr 327 Might DPS).
    But on Singletarget I really really can't Keep up. not even close.

    So I ask you People for some good ST advice.
    For the artifacts I got:

    Thanks :)
  2. xm3n3hun3 Well-Known Player

    I can't either and I have my generator set up w/prec - though I don't expect to be able to keep up w/a cr331 geared might dps - as prec has been nerfed too far. (I think this is due to PC players are testing and their button mashing and clipping is beyond a PS4 player ability - I think DCUO needs to nerf PC players too bring everyone to an even playing field)
    I've noticed lower cr might based dps just out hitting prec based for a long time now - has it been nearly a year?

    as a healer in SM - you should be fine - you'll be a hard hitting healer - much more damage than a might based water healer.

    I wouldn't compare power vs power, even if it's another healing power vs healing power (while dps'g)
    dps'g w/healing powers and having your generator mods setup as healer (resto) is a no win - can't keep up opposition.
    you'd have to switch your generator around a bit - and likely try hybrid approach using might and precision - if you have enough skill pts to put 100sp to might and precision - but I can't confirm this - as I don't use the hybrid split - or the max might and 100 sp to precision.

    again - I don't feel like chasing another meta - it takes too long to build up (or buy) augments/artifacts - unless you have $$$ to spend.
    you could then test every artifact at 200 lvl and augments at 287 - and hopefully you have enough skill pts to test where you should place your sp within stats.

    you can also do the math - for example 287 augment x 4 = what percent of gear given stat
    and does this really make a difference (a noticeable difference while healing? while dps'g?)
    so for instance -
    if 4 prec augments = 1000 prec; = what ?% of gear stats is this (hint take off augments and you get a figure just from gear)

    also remember if you're NOT in a league, you're not getting the league buffs (which without reviewing I guess is somewhere between 3-5%) and if you're not sure if you're getting league buffs ( you can check the league generator for activated status or check within league management stats).
    compare this to a similar toon (alt same gear cr) that is not in a league. again do the math.
    base gear stats = xyz
    add league buff = xyz + buff %
    add trinket buff (activate trinket) = xyz + buff % + trinket stat
    add consumables = xyz + buff % + trinket stat(activated) + omega compound ( there are others as well that can be used, the recent valentine event cookie is such a consumable buff for instance )

    It's just much more bothersome to keep reviewing your stats when you are a PS player vs a PC player (I think - I really wish it was available with a text tab - and I could just check several boxes to reveal stats for instance under combat tab), but for an accurate picture of where you stand as far as base stats - and increasing which stats works best for your play style.
    (for instance do you use a super charge? while dps'g? while healing? do you clip powers?)

    trying to out do another player - just by looking at CR is a natural way to think - but it's not likely an accurate view of how that player uses his/her powers.

    for healers - it's really about HoTs and knowing content (when to use a shield for instance)
    for dps's - it's about DoTs - generating SC (if you use a SC) and again knowing content - a well timed shield will allow you to keep hitting the target vs other players who are affected by environmental stuns etc.

    in elite content - knowing that you can only steadily get off about 3 moves - pays off much better with the likelyhood the team gets thru the highest level content - ( though some players swear by just moving around they can use 5-6 powers - I think the environmentals + other things you may need to do really only let do a steady 3 powers at the most, blocking and breaking out of stuns - really helps )

    and your arts - tell me you are might based especially with EoG
    so your comparison - appears wonky....
  3. Tilz Loyal Player

  4. Miike Fury Well-Known Player

    Water ST isnt that great. it has a lot of AOE to it.

    this was taken from AVTV's master thread, from the rotation that i saw fits your artifacts:

    Heat Vision > Ebb (combo)(clipped with) > Depth Charge > Freezing Breath (2 ticks)(tap cancel) > Ebb (combo)(clipped with) > Repeat
    water seems to do a little more with La-Mort or even with the Amulet
  5. Tilz Loyal Player

    will try out later. Won't get the last to artifacts though :D but thanks :)
  6. L T Devoted Player

    Similar to AV's, I've been using:

    Ebb-Flow Combo/Depth Charge/Bubble HV Torrent (repeat, skipping bubble until it's off cool down).

    With Dehydrate as a supercharge.
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  7. Tilz Loyal Player

    Thanks L T :)

    I really don't want to use Freezing Breath, but the loadout you suggested does at least good chunk more compared to mine :D
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