Was Style Sharing Scrapped?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Epcot, Jun 22, 2017.

  1. Epcot Active Player

    Just want to know, I haven't seen anything about it lately and just want to know if it will happen. And before you say stats revamp is first I am aware and will patiently wait for it
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  2. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    No it hasnt been scrap. its still plan not sure when all we can tell you is revamp is first before everything else, after that than water not sure when style sharing will be, but just gonna have to sit back and see.
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  3. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    They would've announced it if it was scrapped.

    Also: Why would you make this thread in the first place if you know the Stats-revamp is coming first and is their main priority?

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  4. Harlequin Devoted Player

    Coming soon to a time capsule near you.
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  5. Epcot Active Player

    Cause I wasn't sure if they cancelled it officially or not. Like I said I haven't seen anything on it for a while now
  6. light FX Steadfast Player

    Been a year and a half since it was announced. I personally dont believe its gonna happen.
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  7. Wade Spalding Loyal Player

    Like the alternate progression system did. How excited some people were when it was announced. And then it ended up as TCs. So.... If style sharing (and gear unlocking? There was something like that, too....) ever makes it to the game, it will for sure be in a way that messes with expectations of veteran players. Not sure if that excludes TCs already since we basically expect anything useful or desirable enter the game only via TCs....
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  8. The Horn'd One Well-Known Player

    Cross-styles, or style sharing as it's been put here, is still active. Depending on the drop you get when opening a time-capsule or Lockbox, if you don't have it, EQUIP IT. If you do already, pick something you can sell on the Broker & sell it.
  9. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    Didn't realize you knew the development plans. Since that is the case what will be next bug getting fixed, what powers after water, how will water play mechanic wise, oh great dev :rolleyes:
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  10. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    They 'dont have the tech for that' ;)
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  11. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    That actually hasn't happened yet...Jackster said that was coming sometime AFTER stats revamp.
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  12. Kid Multiverse Loyal Player

    It's safe to say it's been cancelled.
  13. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Agree. The style sharing was announced before the TC were released. They had no idea at the time how well they would do. If style sharing is allowed, I believe it will be very, very limited and probably won't include emblems or auras.
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  14. Wade Spalding Loyal Player

    Didn't Mepps confirm somewhere in the early beginnings of TCs that the gear in TCs actually was the alternate progression system?
  15. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    I for one hope that style sharing has not been scrapped.

    I understand that anything they add to the game now has to be monetised....... so I don't mind if we have to use replays to unlock those styles. At least give us some sort of option to unlock them styles.... because some styles are wayyyyyyyyyyy too rare.
    Good luck getting some of those styles on a single character..... and let alone getting it on the character that you want to have the style on.

    Some mention the alternate progression system.

    I did not ask for this..... but now that it's here..... I don't mind it.

    The Future Batman or Green Arrow gear was great.
  16. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    No. Jackster was talking about something different to supplement Gear/Mod/Skill Stat Points in the progression scheme. He said it would come some time after the revamp was live. It's gonna probably be a little while longer since Water is up to bat first after revamp and tweaks.
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  17. Cardinalist Well-Known Player

    Not what is being discussed here. Around a year and a half ago a upcoming feature that would allow you to unlock styles you had collected on one character on your other characters as well.
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  18. Kuno Loyal Player

    I dont think Stats Revamp and Style Unlock has anything to do with each other. It was announced so long ago it lost the hype... same for Water. You just can't announce a goodie then hold it for +2 years, that's suicidal in videogames-time.
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  19. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Yeah I gave up hope on it. So many people were excited for gear and style unlocking and it was put on the back burner until further notice. So many would have opened their wallet for that.

    Instead, we got time capsules.
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  20. DC Urban Committed Player

    DCUO=the poster child of how not to make a mmo.

    This is not a project you want your name attached to at this point. If they said any of the current people you know working on this game was working on another mmo you were interested in, tell me you would not cringe? Am I lying?

    It is not fair, but hey, you were part of this mess.

    Style unlocking is not happening, I can feel it. Typical quiet before the storm.

    Add style unlocking to the serums and ui scrap heap.
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