Warp times need to be reduced

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Laff Riot, Apr 19, 2014.

  1. Laff Riot New Player

    I know there have been threads on this and I know I have created my own. But I am to the point of quitting this game for good. I keep falling through the floors and getting stuck inside of things and of course like always, my warps are ALL ON COOL DOWN. Someone made a thread stating that Legendary should not have warp times, premium should have the times reduced by half of current times and F2P should be what it currently is. I agree. I am bringing this up because I am tired of getting stuck and the DEVS HAVE YET TO FIX THIS! I have been QQ about this for about 2 years now.
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  2. Santheum New Player

    I agree to this. But what I don't agree with are the time differences between F2P, Pre, and Leg. I don't think players should have to deal with warp issues because of their account status. It should just be changed for all. It's an issue that should be easy to fix. Now there are reasons why they can't get rid of time and that be because of abuse. Warp to base and Watchtower every 5 seconds isn't good lol. People will turn DCUO into DBZ. Teleporting everywhere. Seriously.. just like Defiance or GTA V.

    I think warps for rally, base, and HQ should all be 1 to 2 minutes. I have no idea why HQ is an hour... or your own house 30mins..
  3. Bobburt Committed Player

    All the warp times are being reduced to 3 minutes in the next update. At least, that's what they are on Test right now.
  4. Statman New Player

    I don't see that anywhere on the test patch notes... is it just not listed? Maybe it's a matter of convenience for the test server?
  5. Bobburt Committed Player

    You might be right. It might just be for convenience. But I sure hope it hits Live.
  6. Statman New Player

    Cannot agree more! lol
  7. Poo New Player


    I know there's a good reason for the timers but I don't care.
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  8. SKAVANGER408 New Player

    Naw from what I was told that the test server always has shorter warp times for some reason.
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  9. Bobburt Committed Player

    I personally think they reduced the warp times around gu35. Could've sworn before then, the warps were "normal".
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  10. SKAVANGER408 New Player

    They might of but I never really kept track of that too much.
  11. Ice Lantern New Player

    It's probably because with so few people, it doesn't stress the servers.
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  12. Vyltran Loyal Player

    I think.. "i think" ... is good for now... during the server function... but getting stuck during instances that's something different, at least try to fix that.. because there's much work beyond making new DLCs...
  13. SKAVANGER408 New Player

    Ya I can see that since the test server is pretty much a ghost town these days.
  14. Laff Riot New Player

    Doesnt matter if it is the way I stated(took it from someone elses thread to just get the idea up there in case that was a route the devs wanted to go) but I agree that the timers need to go away or shortened or a way to get out of items when you get stuck or fall through the floor.
  15. Killuminati New Player

    If I have 4 bases, they all need to have their own timers. I'm legendary and have bought numerous base styles, deeds, armories, bundles, replays, this list and cash I spent in endless, I know I'm not alone. Is being able to warp to my lairs to handle business too much to ask without these ridiculous wait times.
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  16. Kid Sorbet New Player

    Reducing/ getting rid of timers should be a Legendary perk.
  17. Laff Riot New Player

    I am even for this. At least then we can warp when we get stuck every step we take.
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  18. Larfleeze New Player

    AFAIK test servers have shorter Warp cooldowns because you're supposed to be dealing with potentially buggy content and have a much higher chance of falling through the floors / getting stuck.