Warning: Wallachia is making a serious post here

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Wallachia, Aug 23, 2017.

  1. Wallachia Devoted Player


    This is an open letter to the Developers as well as it is to the players in here (specially Fatal Star's toon, who's my girlfriend but doesn't know yet :v).

    I started playing DC Universe one year and a half ago. I admit I had higher expectations about the game, and the amount of disappointment I had was reasonably high. The Advanced Mechanics and CR differential thing contributed to successfully erase my over-excitement about the game. Yet, it didn't really deter me from playing, after all, growth is still growth. Besides, what peeved me, what REALLY peeved me, was the exobyte concept. You see, when I play a game with a CAC function I like the immersion, I like to imagine I'm making an actual character to play, even the visual and the names matter, perks of working with writing, I make a story for the character, and I disliked the exobyte concept with all of my rotten, unloved heart.

    Thankfully there was a way to enjoy it. As a neverdying fan of the lantern lore, I was surprised to see we could have lanterns in the game, so I built a Red Lantern toon. I didn't really enjoy playing as a villain (CarlynnCarnage kicking me in the groin in 3, 2, 1...), but I heard it was more challenging, for a multitude of factors, so once again I endured.

    Sadly, Rage powers were weak, compared to other DPSes, and the CR differential made me paper thin. I was basically a frail kid kicking Brainiac's ankle while yelling "I'm edgy and angry!". My solution was to find a league to play with me and focus on fun in the interaction with them, rather than focusing in the game. Yet, the fun was slowly dying, not blaming my leaguemates, but my play was mechanic: enter the game, go into the Olympus raid, die 11 times because melee, at least do more damage than support roles, then log off and see you next week. Why would I even want to grind SP if the results for me would be meaningless?

    But everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked. I mean, everything changed when stats revamp hit live. Without CR Differential, I am not a guy who's only strong in low cr-instances and I don't get 1-2 shot in high CR raids. Hell, I can outdamage a Fire DPS now, I can be in league with a mental DPS. I am no longer the Yamcha of the team. Now I see myself excited for the weekend so I can log in, and growing in CR with my brand new hero toon is ever so exciting. Some people complain that the game is harder for them, but I'm having an easier time.

    For me, the revamp is not about feeling stronger, but it's about feeling RELEVANT. You finally gave me that. I feel like my loyalty to Rage powerset has finally been rewarded, and now I finally want to grind SP to see my toon getting stronger (in the measurement of possible, that is). I'm finally playing an actual game here.

    Thank you for allowing me to play the way I wanted, without cookie-cutter builds, without 1-2-3-4 blindly. Thank you for allowing me to be as helpful in the group as the CR 125 who entered Khandaq on my team last week and only did 100k more damage than me. Thank you for making the revamps flush out bad players, so I don't have to be ashamed of being DPS-only, as this used to be a synonym of being a bad player. I hate playing tank and I saw myself forced to be able to tank or people would kick me from raids or even refuse me in PUGs.

    I'm not saying this revamp was perfect, but in the never-ending sea of negativity I find in this forum I believed I could share my feelings about what you did. And I think that what you did was amazing.

    Have a nice day.
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  2. stärnbock Devoted Player

    Y not playing hardlight?
  3. Wallachia Devoted Player

    I was seriously divided between HL and Rage before I started playing, and even tried HL DPS, but Rage felt more suited to my aggressive playstyle.
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