War and Peace (Out) Feat

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Turtle Owner, Sep 17, 2019.

  1. Turtle Owner New Player

    So we were trying to to this feat in False Idols in Elite and Normal trying to kill Merciless without hitting the adds and ignoring Wonder Women but somehow Merciless gets no Damage in any of those Phases and Wonder women finishes her Quest and the raid is done so

    Does anyone know how to do the Feat Mepps pls help me boi
  2. spack2k Steadfast Player

    The small adds( look like skelettons) need to interrupt wonder woman which means dont kill them & dont aggro them also we found out that during the reflect phase damage done by pets end up healing Merciless.
  3. Elusian Crowd Control

    Yeah as spack2k wrote.

    We ran 5111

    Tank pulled Merciless to a the opposite of the entrance so basically behind the coin. We actually killed the first set of adds so Wonder Woman would start her coin charging. This will spawn a new set of adds that will move towards her and interrupt her. The adds will follow the healer. Advise your healer to stay away from tank and group on the other side so he can still dmg in between but also can strict move and kite the 4 adds around WWs spot. They dont do enough dmg on the healer and they attack him specifically cause he can heal WW and noone else is on the taunt table unless the healer stays close to group or mainly the tank and his taunts aggro the adds (hence why stay away and instantly move away from them when WW gets interrupted and you going to kite the adds). I should have recorded our run as I was the healer and you can literally see everything perfect from that PoV but didnt expect this feat to be what it is.

    It will take a bit to finish. Don't dmg on his reflect at all. Avoid pets, they seems to heal up on reflect too and since he takes little dmg the overall healing is still like normal it seems so a simple pet can negate all the dmg your group done in between those reflect phase xD

    It's time consuming, nothing else.
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  4. KlarkKent Well-Known Player

    Just finished a league run for all possible feats on False Idols reg. At the end we tried War and Peace (Out) feat.

    We did this with 2 tank 4 dps 1 troll 1 heal. I took merciless to opposite side of enterance. Other tank(atomic) took 1st set of amazons to enterance and kept them in crowd control cycle so they never be killed or mock WW.

    Anyway every dps who had grim artifact took out their grim artifact. We did not use any pets. Also I dont know if its true but one of our dpses noticed DoT are also healing merciless during reflect phase. So afterawile we only hit him with burst attacks. Luckyly we had a water dps with CotD sc. That made burn a little faster.
    Orbitals are key element here. Most of the burn comes out from orbitals. We cycled them.

    Finally one important point during reflect phase when merciless finish his spin move stop attacking to him cuz you will notice a glorious aura on him. That means reflect still working and he is healing. Wait for that aura to wear off too.

    Overall our feat run took 40 mins to be exact.
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  5. AV Loyal Player

    So it's effectively the "kill 50 dive bombers" / All the King's Mermen of this DLC... Ugh...