Walk-in viability

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Opamp, Apr 4, 2014.

  1. Opamp Committed Player

    Hey Guys,

    We had a constructive discussion on our League's Teamspeak server last night and I wanted to bring it forward to get some additional opinions. The question posed was:

    "Why are walk-ins still active in the game?"

    - Walk-ins are places where you can go to a teleporter to enter a raid
    - Originally this was the only way to enter raids, however now we queue for the raid using the On Duty menu

    What are your thoughts? Should they be kept in the game? Should they be removed? Do they add value?

    (For those thinking a step ahead - this also ties into having more than one currency in the game but we can table that discussion till this is over).
  2. Owl Devoted Player

    I think there should be Walk In portals for every Alert in game.
    Alert Walk In portals would allow smaller groups to run Alerts with no Randoms.
    It could be helpful for individuals farming for a specific style that only one particular boss drops.

    A queue option that would allow smaller groups to enter Alerts or Raids without Randoms could be an alternative to Walk In portals.
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  3. TheHeartbreakkid New Player

    I am torn on this. I hate the fact that whenever I want to run an older raid, there are only groups of low cr people begging to be carried through them. I don't know why it bothers me so much but it does. Even when I try to start one up, I get like 20 tells begging to be walked in. It's pathetic really. I wish low levels didn't get marks from being walked in. Hopefully that'd make the game playable as intended. I don't mind having the portals though since 4 man nex runs are always fun.
  4. Shadowdragon Devoted Player

    I'm in favor of walk-ins for the times where you can't get a full group... or don't need the full group. I'm against hand-holding though. Ideal solutions would be to allow smaller groups for the on duty menu or CR lock the walk-ins.
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  5. Little Sister New Player

    Walk Ins are great for undergeared friends. We did a league run yesterday of all of the Fortress raids and 1 person would not have been able to queue. We walked in and he ended up with a ton of Marks.
  6. EP Ice Loyal Player

    Bingo!!! CR lock for walk-ins would alleviate a lot of the issues with new players being walked into content thus forcing them to progress in sequence as opposed to skipping tiers. However, I don't know how it would work with alts as the player is not new to the game and understands it but just wants to level their alt quickly, which is understandable.
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  7. ChibiMechaX78 New Player

    I wonder if there is a way to allow walk ins but not. I mean yes make sure people learn how to play the game the slow way that way they can learn but then when a person has a lot of alts then it just becomes a hassle but you to run higher stuff with your league or with ppl and you even know your role a decent amount by that point. They made feats unlock-able but made sure you had unlocked it beforehand on another alt. so perhaps the same method for this?
  8. Jeazy Baby Dedicated Player

    I agree with this in full. i ran a vengence last night and afterwards tried to get a group together for BD. It took about 20minutes to get a group together. i was telling people litterally just join the group and queue up! you can leave after or just stand around if you don't want to do the raid, i will gladly solo it but I just need people to queue for me. a walk-in for that would have been great last night.
  9. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    The problem with this game now imo is everyone is worried with what everyone else is doing. Walk-ins if your not in the group doesn't effect anyone, imo I think it help. Everyone who are getting walk-ins not new players, most are vets who don't wanna grind out all over again. I hope they never touch the walk-ins
  10. Plum Crazy Committed Player

    Teamspeak lol
  11. Breakforce Loyal Player

    Rather than outright locking people from walking in at lower CR, or not rewarding any marks, maybe scaling the mark rewards could be a better option. PVP marks are scaled based on your PVP CR, so I don't see why they could not implement this for PVE.
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  12. EP Ice Loyal Player

    I like this idea and it makes sense. +1
  13. crownclownking New Player

    why are walk ins a problem seriously who cares if some players wants to skip tiers i mean sure it hurts the pug talent pool( talent in an mmo lol) but is their choice if anything i would like a walk in for every content in this game. Just let them be.
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  14. Jeazy Baby Dedicated Player

    ^I call this "won't be making anymore Alts mode".
  15. Breakforce Loyal Player

    It was put as an alternative to completely locking out the instances or not giving marks to lower CRs. In this way it is still better for alts than those other two.
  16. Jeazy Baby Dedicated Player

    still would prefer how it is now. And thankfully there is little to no chance that they would ever change it :)
  17. Prodigy Progeny Dedicated Player

    I like the teleporters & wish we had them for all content. They have dabbled with locking & unlocking them here & there at different times for lower CR players...Id assume that they replay sales are higher when they are open for walk-ins. I could care less what any1 else is doing so if they stay open it dsnt affect me at all. Hopefully this works to net them more cash so we can get more development.
  18. Drakonicus New Player

    Either something is wrong, or is not. How the act affect you shouldnt matter. If someone is cheating on pvp, thats still wrong, even if you are not in the match.
    As for walk ins, either you need a minimum CR do a raid, or you dont. I dont understand why raid portals dont work like the Central City portal, with a cr lock.
  19. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    I agree that there should be walk ins for everything, but there needs to be certain restrictions on them so that players can't do one Gates walk-in and completely skip t1 and t2. Maybe no monthly reward box and only 50% marks? Perhaps even a small payment of marks needs to be submitted so that players need to complete at least some of their low end content to know their role.
  20. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    Someone cheating in pvp is not the same as a walk-in. Someone cheating in PvP effect the game more than someone walking into a raid. Like I said most new won't know about walk-ins so the avg walk-in is a vet who is grinding a new toon. TBH making raids work like the CC portal or Gotham Waste would work, but seem like the devs don't wanna stop walk-ins