Vongola Syndicate now recruiting

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by Revan 320, Feb 21, 2013.

  1. Revan 320 New Player

    We are in need of healers, tanks, and trolls, with at least a 50 cr and at least 40+ skill points . we are a new clan but most of us have a toon with an 80+cr or better. we are a fun group and play the game to have fun. so if your interested leave a reply. we are us ps3 and a hero guild
  2. Felix Frost Level 30

    What server/faction are you?
  3. Revan 320 New Player

    pve and hero
  4. Felix Frost Level 30

    ok, when they made the new forums.. they put pc, ps3, europe and US all on the same forums. USPS3/Hero ?
  5. Revan 320 New Player

    yep usps3/hero
  6. Revan3200 New Player

    for in game contacts and info contact revan 320