Vine lash, Taser pull, Shared Fate etc animation time

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by renzhe, May 18, 2013.

  1. renzhe New Player

    So Vine Lash, Taser Pull and Grapple Line attack have their animation time reduced.

    I presume its cos they share the same animation type.

    Then why isn't Sorcery's Shared Fate having the same animation time reduction? And if I'm not wrong, Ice's Inescapable Storm also has the same pulling animation. There's also Mesmerizing Lasso.
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  2. BumblingB I got better.

    I'd have to test, but I'm pretty sure Shared Fate was a fast cast. I used to use it to debuf tanks. And it's been a while, but doesn't SF hit multiple targets?

    Vine Lash had a horrible cast time, but it was a staple for dot spreading. Bringing it in line to other attacks with similar animation helps nature dps by a lot.

    Inescapable Storm is a multi target pull. It doesn't fall under the same catagory.

    I always thought Taser Pull and Grapple Line were fast but after testing them yesterday, I can say that I was wrong. Especially Grapple Line, which would make an amazing tanking pull. As long as you can target a mob, you can pull a lot to you in several quick flings. It is actually a better pull than Earthen Grip, the only downside to it is that it doesn't stun.

    To be honest, I would love to see a comparison with: Taser Pull, Grapple Line Attack, Mesmorizing Lasso, and Earthen Grip. Maybe even Tornado Pull, which is also single target.
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  3. renzhe New Player

    Earthen Grip does not fall in the same category, as far as animation goes. Its animation is the same as HL's Grasping hand (hold to pull).

    I assumed that all powers with similar animations would have the same standard cast time. Perhaps I was wrong. Will have to see on Test server when I log in next time.
  4. Ice Knight Well-Known Player

    Yes , was thinking same thing why not for other powers