Viewable Skill Metrics

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Mister_House, Feb 18, 2013.

  1. Mister_House New Player

    IMO there's too much of a reliance on Gear Score. While it does show, at least to some extent, what a player might be capable of, it doesn't really show how they perform.

    What I would like to see is a new character field that is viewable by anyone inspecting the character, and could be displayed in chat with a / command. The information would display certain performance averages dependent on role. Everyone would have the DPS averages, of course. There would be one set of viewable averages for each type of team content - Duos, 4 man and 8 man. The average that was displayed would be for the last 5 pieces of content of that type the character engaged in.

    For DPS it would show that average total damage, average actual DPS per mob, and the amount of damage self prevented/self healed.

    For Tanks it would show the amount of damage prevented to others, the total amount of threat generated and the total amount of damage prevented to themselves or self healed by any method.

    For healers the total amount healed, the total prevented through shields, and the number of other player deaths.

    For controllers it would show the total power output, the amount of time other players spent in-combat at less than 10% power and the total damage caused/prevented through debuffing.

    There would also be some universal metrics: Average amount of time the player kept a mob stunned or held, number of deaths, number of people raised, number of times the AFK monitor engaged, etc.

    I'm sure the details would need to be worked out, but IMO that would be a much better system than GS to show how people are actually performing.