Vendor Styles not available in Vending Unit 00

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by TheDarkRedbird, Jan 9, 2017.

  1. TheDarkRedbird Active Player

    I was checking the Vending Unit 00, and I realized the Indigo Tribe iconic style set wasn't there, aswell as the Mr. Miracle's iconic style set and a couple more (such as Shock Jock).

    I supposed that they weren't going to become available to purchase in that Vending Unit, for some reason, whatever.
    But then I went to check some styles in Vending Unit 22, and it turns out, Shock Jock and the Indigo iconic style sets are in the style list, as if they were rare styles that drop during content.

    Furthermore, these styles aren't even in order in that list, and it makes the rare style list look messy (You can find the Indigo style in between each Vestments of Rage style pieces, and Shock Jock right above them both).

    I didn't see any discussions reporting this bug, but I might have missed it, in which case, I apologize in advance.

    Nonetheless, I came to report this (presumably) bug, so they're moved to the right Vending Unit (which would be 00), as well as hoping that you also add the Miraculous style set to VU00 (I hope I didn't butcher the name of the style, and hey, it's a very cool looking style~)

    Thanks in advance, maybe, Idk.
    Take it away, all mighty dev team~
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  2. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    This is old news. It's a bug, they're aware of it. Not sure about the Miraculous set tho. I think either it's not it's turn yet to be added or they skipped it entirely.
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  3. TheDarkRedbird Active Player

    Uh, apologies then, guess it's so old I didn't see it in the bug tracker.

    And, yeah, I guess, but the odd thing about it's the Furious (Barda) set is available to purchase in the rare style vending unit, so you'd think the vendor equivalent of that (Miracle) would be available for purchase... who knows
  4. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    StupidCarrot and someone else had threads up last week about it. Those are both HoPII, is there anything more recent in Vendor 00? That might give an indication of why Miraculous isn't there.
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  5. StupidCarrot29 Well-Known Player

    I am so proud somebody noticed mine lol :D
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  6. TheDarkRedbird Active Player

    As far as I know, Shock Jock is in the Vending Unit 22 aswell, as I said, but my CR isn't 143 yet to see if the rest of the styles are in there.

    BUT, for some reason, the Vending Unit 00 list hasn't been updated since the WW Battlesuit style, no Indigo Lantern style in there as far as I know, and it should be there aswell.
  7. TheDarkRedbird Active Player

    Sorry mate, I really didn't see your thread, otherwise I would've gone there to discuss about this.

    Can you share the link, perhaps? :)
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  8. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    Shock Jock and Vesture of Proselyte (Indigo Lantern) are in 22 because of a bug. Mepps made a comment about those vendors during the Discord chat so something's going to be changing with them soon.
  9. StupidCarrot29 Well-Known Player

    It is lost in my alerts but don't worry if many posts are created maybe something will be done... saw another person's thread on this too this week.
  10. DC Urban Committed Player

    Why is it viewed as a bug to put styles in a vendor:confused: ? All styles should be in the vending units. I was looking for it today and am freaking angry it was viewed as a bug, was doing duos and challenges to save up marks for that. SMH.
  11. Carbon Based Unit Well-Known Player

    They are not saying it is a bug to be on a vendor. They are saying it is on the wrong vendor. Say it is 35 to 65 MoV for the armor items on the armor vendor. The style vendor carries these as just a style for 10 MoV. BUT... they were not put on the 10 MoV style vendor. They were put on the 70 MoV rare drop style vendor. So it is cheaper to buy the item than the style!
  12. Ambassador of Krypton Well-Known Player

    Hi guys, I was wondering if you could help me with this: I am 143 cr (which I got by buyng the armors from the Universal Vendor), so as far as I know I am supposed to see the style version of all those armors that are no longer relevant to me. But I can only see some of them, such as Sheperd of Adara, High Voltage, Prideful and Scion of Ion. I don' see, for instance, House of El Warsuit, or Sunstone Bulwark (I'm tank).