Vending Unit 22

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by Support4HiRE, Mar 30, 2018.

  1. Support4HiRE New Player

    The style vending unit is showing two pieces that i already have collected and not the two i need. I dont know if its designed to only show certain pieces of the syle or not but i figured i might as well post it anyways.
  2. StealthBlue Loyal Player

    This has been reported before, a year or two ago. I don't remember all the styles affected, but I know vestments of proselyte is one of them (possibly the only one). If that's the gear set you are talking about, head over to vendor 151617. That is the vendor gear style for episodes 15-17 and was accidentally added to vendor 22 for more than it costs to buy the armor.
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  3. MiLady Well-Known Player

    I had the same problem. And yes, it was the Vestments gear.
    Thanks. I will goto Vendor 151617.
  4. Support4HiRE New Player

    They moved the vendor to the hanger.
  5. Ambassador of Krypton Well-Known Player

    Hi guys, I was wondering if anyone can help me with this: I am 143 cr (which I got by buyng the armors from the Universal Vendor), so as far as I know I am supposed to see the style version of all those armors that are no longer relevant to me. But I can only see some of them, such as Sheperd of Adara, High Voltage, Prideful and Scion of Ion. I don' see, for instance, House of El Warsuit, or Sunstone Bulwark (I'm tank).
  6. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Both of those are lower level gear. Talk to Power Girl in the Meta Wing for House of El Warsuit, Sunstone Bulwark is in the room to your left.
  7. Ambassador of Krypton Well-Known Player

    And yet I remember buying, on another toon, the Bulwark style from that unit. They must have changed that. If so I think It's a bit unfair, since that unit lets you save both cash and marks
  8. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Yes, they changed it. They also adjusted the cost of the actual gear.
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