Vault Rings and Neck

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Jockin Jay, May 16, 2013.

  1. Jockin Jay Well-Known Player

    So the rings depends on what stance I am in during the vault or what gears I am wearing?
  2. uXix Committed Player

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  3. Master Manipulator New Player

    I wonder if it will drop more stuff overall...

    I mean currently if I get 1 thing I need out of 20 runs I'd be surprised.

    And I hope adding more stuff doesn't mean its just gonna be more stuff that's impossible to get...

    Per Run... I'd say I get between 2 and 4 items... usually I already have collected all the items

    and every long once and a while 3 of the 4 items, thus gaining one thing I actually need.

    Anyone from test give us some feedback on how different it is?
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  4. BomombRook New Player

    A trick I learned that may help with getting rare pieces is to wait for all the boxes to drop. Idk why but every time I do that I tend to get blue items more often.
  5. Jockin Jay Well-Known Player

    Awesome! Are there new rings and necks higher than 78 cr?
  6. uXix Committed Player

    They said there won't be any new rings/necks but you never know..
  7. Jockin Jay Well-Known Player

    EWWWW :( I heard the t5 rings are way better than the Pbox cr78 rings w/mods. Is it true? I haven't bought the dlc yet :(
  8. Sechuran Fox Dedicated Player

    They're removing the jewelry from the boxes and putting it in the vault. So what exactly is going to be coming out of the boxes, does anyone know? Is it just going to be sodas, auras and costume pieces? All of which are going to be tradeable? I don't know why this is confusing me, so please bare with me while I attempt to grasp these ideas.
  9. Dynamo New Player

    just styles + marks, nothing else as far as i'm aware.
  10. uXix Committed Player

    They are not better because they don't have mod sockets.
  11. Schimaera Devoted Player

    I'm getting -x Vitalization on every ring I've seen in T5 so far not counting mods and affinity bonuses. So unless the T5 rings will give me more than +33 Vitalization, I'll keep my 78 Controller Rings with vit bonus.
  12. BomombRook New Player

    Yea they are better then the prom boxes rings with mods(from what I have seen people say).
  13. The Johnny army New Player

    They have more stats, like with the T5 gear, you get more health, more defense and all that, but the fact that the Promethium ones can be modded makes them better for role specific boosts. Random numbers: a t5 ring may give you 5 vit and the P ring 4, but you can mod the P ring with a vit mod and get 6. Again, be aware, these are random numbers used to explain, not real.
  14. Jockin Jay Well-Known Player

    Can't wait to get the dlc and for GU26 lol
  15. DarkSyde79 Loyal Player

    PLB rings and necks have always been more stat heavy in one category than others, I just hope they carry all the stats (plus or minus their stat heavy) with significant stat bumps over the current 78 rings. Also, I'm really going to need the necks to have lair sockets.
  16. ZEUSofGODS Dedicated Player

    Styles, marks and new furniture...
  17. ZEUSofGODS Dedicated Player

    I have seen a cr 83 ring and my lockbox ring is better with mods... Not for support rols, new rings are better... But for dps, lockbox rings seem better...
  18. Elusian Crowd Control

    Even for support like Healer and Troller its better to take the lockbox one. They drop for the Premiums.
  19. UltraElite Dedicated Player

    Will the Rings and Necks from the vault be Account Bound?
  20. Lanternius New Player

    Not a trick, that's a dcuo urban myth...I've also heard such stuff with lockboxs that if you move the boxes 2 spaces to the right, down 1 row, left 2 spaces and back up 1 row you will receive something favorable. All drops, vault or otherwise, are random/chance based. That being said, if it works for ya, more power to you...rock on! :)