[USPS] <N3pHiLiM> Hero League Recruitment

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by SiiCK1, Jan 28, 2015.

  1. SiiCK1 New Player


    The main intent of the N3pHiLiM League is to build and maintain a community of league mates to help each other advance in the game. We currently have 64 members who PVE as well as PVP and most of us are extremely active. Our members have a great knowledge base on all roles and power sets. If you are interested please read the below requirements and contact info.

    Requirements: (These will change as necessary)

    1. Must be 19+ years of age. (Exceptions may be considered on a case to case basis)
    2. Mic is HIGHLY encouraged but not a requirement. You however need to listen, watch chat box, and pay attention to your surroundings.
    3. Skill point minimum is CURRENTLY set at 130+. (Exceptions may be considered on a case to case basis)
    4. PVE CR is CURRENTLY set at 100. (Exceptions may be considered on a case to case basis)
    5. Must be mature and respect others! (NO exceptions)
    6. Must run with league mates first and then search the LFG.
    7. Must have a sense of humor. We like to have fun while we run instances.

    Contact info:

    If you would like to apply or have further questions feel free to contact the following League members by a IN GAME email, TELL, or PM myself SiiCK1.

    CaptSpook - League Leader

    Fireball Princess

    Torion Enix

  2. SiiCK1 New Player

    All ROLES are needed. Contact anyone on the OP for further details!
  3. SiiCK1 New Player

    Many have sent me a PM and I'll message you back on a first come first serve basis. Thanks for considering us as a home for your characters.
  4. SiiCK1 New Player

    Welcome to the newest members that have applied and accepted. Enjoy and have fun!
    ***If ANYONE else is interested please send me a PM or an email in-game***
  5. SiiCK1 New Player

    Bump - Still recruiting all roles.