US Xbox Server Downtime - May 7, 2016

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, May 7, 2016.

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  1. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Unscheduled Maintenance

    We continue to work through stability issues on the US Xbox server. The server is currently offline for unscheduled maintenance. We apologize for the delay and inconvenience.

    Update: All worlds are now online.
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  2. Mikebz28 New Player

    Of course they need to be restarted. Yet again. Do you know my schedule? Because all week it seems the servers need to be restarted whenever i can actually play.
    Thanks for the heads up though now i wont waste my time trying to log in.
  3. Contrl New Player

    Thank you mepps for update! thanks for taking time to fix this issue:)

    "Mikebz28" will you stop complaining like everyone else, its a free to play game, their server is full with players constantly so obviously soemthings going to happen.
  4. TheGambler2785 New Player

    This is getting ridiculous. Servers are down everyday for some reason or another. Never fails that the maintenance times line right up with my playing times too. All I want is one day where I can play.
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  5. Yale New Player

    I'm paying 15 a month.. C'mon now
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  6. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    You should have played yesterday! Kidding, of course. Fixing these issues and expanding server capacity is our top priority.
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  7. TheGambler2785 New Player

    Yes, maintenance is expected with a F2P game that will experience high volumes of players but everyday seems a bit much. I was playing just fine this morning, no issues, then bam maintenance. This is getting ridiculous.
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  8. Tunnelrat72 New Player

    Been playing since 2011 and this is the same across all platforms since Daybreak took over. Xbox is no difference. Or any other MMO online. Relax and read a book for a bit.
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  9. DarqStalker New Player

    There are millions of players and you expect them to cater to your schedule? C'mon now.
  10. Mikebz28 New Player

    I know it will calm down after a while. Happens to all of em. Still doesnt help when the wife and kids are gone for the day and i sit down fire it up and get nothing but disapointment. Stupid game. Make me go outside and do stuff. Pfft
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  11. Tunnelrat72 New Player

    Or switch over to PS4 or PC where we are experiencing 0 problems at the moment.
  12. TheGambler2785 New Player

    I did play yesterday, loaded in later than normal to accommodate for any maintenance. Expanding server cap is a pretty big thing, I get it, thanks for the hard work. Despite my complaining, I enjoy the game.
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  13. Skullfire New Player

    I remember when it launched on PS3. Crashes all the time, and when they dropped an update the mail wouldn't work causing maintenance to be performed, then something else would break. It will calm down after a while once they get it all down, it just takes time is all. This is only the first week of the game in Xbox so expect a lot of fixes, and shut downs for a bit.
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  14. Mikebz28 New Player

    You missed the point completely. Was a joke about them knowing my schedule and taking the game offline. No need to be a richard head about it.
  15. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    Speak for yourself I got kicked off a few times last night and more then a few people in my group were losing their huds.
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  16. KatoriaTheRed New Player

    So am I, but you know what. I can live with server downtimes. I'm used to the daily restarts from the computer, and servers having to go offline for maintenance unexpectedly. You have a you want to play, yes, but also, even if you DON'T get to play cause of the downtime...remember this... That subscription nets you 500 loyalty points a month. And that adds up over time, so as long as you pay the subscription, you will keep getting those even if you cannot log in or don't wanna log in. They will accumulate as long as you don't use them, and then you can buy things with them later.
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  17. Mikebz28 New Player

    Its not free to play if i paid $15. Stuff like this happening over and over again won't keep people paying that $15 they will just leave.
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  18. Capncook New Player

    go easy guys on them guys, the servers just went live a few days ago. i needed an excuse to stop playing and do the dishes anyways lol/
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  19. Deez Nuts New Player

    I am honestly just happy that staff cares enough to inform players about downtime.
    This games been out for six years and I'm just now hearing about it YET IT'S BEEN A DREAM GAME FOR LIKE 10 YEARS!
    Downtime sucks but thats what maintenance is for!
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  20. KatoriaTheRed New Player

    if you read my post above yours, you'll see a reason to keep paying while waiting for servers to come up even if you can't play. Totally worth it IMHO while waiting for things to be fixed. :)
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