(US PS4) Amongst Heroes

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by AyeItsGlimmer, Oct 22, 2017.

  1. AyeItsGlimmer New Player

    We Are A Hero League

    Trying To Get Things Started Again!
    We're back and ready to bring in new people to the league since everyone went their separate ways. But here's the good news we are rebuilding the league from the ground up. Most of us have been around for centuries don't ya know? Were feat thirsty kind of people and we don't mind helping others, but you have to be willing to put in the work. We all love having a great time chatting it up also we strive to complete things, but we don't want to be stuck in a raid for like hours. Main toons are near end game.


    Please Be Active!

    18+ would be nice but if you're not that's okay
    Absolutely No Drama [This Is Vital to Success]
    Will Discuss SP Requirement (TBD)
    CR At Least 180+
    The CR is set at this point because we want more people that are closer to end game content and we don't want to have to backtrack because that would mean more time out of the day helping someone who's CR might be 100 we just don't have enough time out of the day to do that.
    DPS are cool but you better know your ROLE this is not an only DPS League!
    Communication is key (Mic is preferred but if you don't have one that's cool)

    The main goal here is to be an active no drama league that has a good time. Also to have fun so don't be so uptight ya heard or I might just have to shove my timbs down ya throat.

    AratazShox - In game name
    (PSN Aye_Its_Glimer)
    (Twitter @Aye_Its-Glimmer)
    Insectoshaman - In game name