Update 28 Role debuffs...Thankyou Devs.

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Fatal Phantom, Jul 8, 2013.

  1. Ionthas Well-Known Player

    Thank you. For again being a ****.
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  2. Note Worthy New Player

    R.I.P PvP. You will be missed.
  3. Flash New Player

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  4. ImpendingDoom New Player

    PvP is not dead, the ques are popping rather nicely. Let me guess... you are a healer or tank who is upset that PvP is finally balanced?
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  5. Note Worthy New Player

    uspc 1v1 champ this easy nonsense telling you when to block counter and lunge ends the fun of dueling. I'm good with or without debuffs. dont make assumptions about things you dont know zzzz
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  6. ImpendingDoom New Player

    Its not like this feature is available only to a select few people. Everyone has access to it. The only thing this really changes is people can no longer hide what they are clipping. I think its a great fix. Will force people to change it up and actually think instead of obtaining wins only because their opponents could not see what was really happening. PvP is popping and far from dead. To each their own I suppose.
  7. Note Worthy New Player

    that is nub logic "I think bbs should no longer be hidden" why dont you just take clipping out of the mechanics as a whole in pvp.the whole point is to hide what you do to your opponent not to let them see it. God your the kind of reason why soe does this nonsense. I want a game that challenges me not gonna be spoon fed by some stupid game telling me when to block and bb and lunge.
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  8. Dump Truck New Player

    I am seriously enjoying playing as a dps again. The new debuffs severely limits your loadout, so I wouldn't call DPS OP, but it is fun.
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  9. Azrael New Player

    I played only one 8v8 match and i didnt notice any big difference. which im happy about. just need to get rid of those big, annoying icons.
  10. Hard Night New Player

    WRONG, all roles have equal health in pvp gear, even tanks.
  11. ImpendingDoom New Player

    As other posters have said in the past, the animations exist for a reason. Now you can still clip, so clipping is not effected at all. The only thing that has changed is people can see exactly what you are clipping. Stop the crying already.... These tears... They taste so.... Good!

    Funny I am having a good time dueling still... As do many others. Must not be as good as you thought.
  12. Lumb New Player

    It's funny how many people think tanks have loads of health, especially ice tanks. We don't, it's our shields that give us our defense that make us take longer to defeat.
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  13. LOLOLOL New Player

    1 V 1 champ?? BAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. That's twice today you tried to sneak in a brag without coming off as a loser. Key word is TRIED.

    I entered a 1 v 1 tournament today and won it all so I guess I'm the champ now!! Hooray for me!!! I am 1 v 1 champ and love the new changes. :)

    PS. I've seen you lose several times in duels Mr. Need Your Ego Stroked. Hopefully these new changes means its RIP time for you and this game. Good riddance.
  14. Note Worthy New Player

    1. I never said i never lose. Every player loses and wins its the ratio that matters.
    2. no idea why your following my posts and calling me a liar when i'm not and i have people who have seen me in action to back up my word
    3. I'm destroying people more than ever with the bb delay gone.
    4. if you entered a 1v1 tourny you would know that even the champion who goes through all the opponents in tourny will lose rounds.
  15. Note Worthy New Player

    This, This right here is nub logic. "Now you can still clip, so clipping is not effected at all." Do you know the point of clipping? It is either to shorten the time strain of a combo or to conceal movements you don't want your enemy to see. Why the hell should the game TELL your opponent what your doing. This makes the game so easy itsnot even funny. btw this your tears taste so good nonsense doesn't make your post make anymore sense then the nonsense that it was crafted from and by.
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  16. LOLOLOL New Player

    The game is too easy now for you now Mr. Awesome. We get it so please move on then. Next game! Maybe you will eventually find the praise you are so desperately looking for.

    A-B-C YA!
  17. Note Worthy New Player

    I dont even know why your specifically replying to my post because this is about the update and how it needs to be changed not some egotisitic contest you think i'm trying to make it cause you assume im someone whos egotistic and btw the praise im "looking" is only increasing by you catering to me hand and foot when you reply to my post. take your on logic in and leave this topic alone and then think about the topic of how bad this update is
  18. LOLOLOL New Player

    LOL you absolutely deserve some praise for writing perhaps the longest run on sentence of all time!

    The bottom line is no matter how much whining you do they are not going to change something they just implemented today! Therefore its time for you to find a game that's actually challenging to your brilliant mind and extraordinary skills.

    Adios Mr champion. LOL
  19. Surveyor New Player

    You guys really dont get it.

    What mr Champ is trying to say that this whole GU PvP changes is meant to help nubs like you.

    What good is it when the strongest and skilled players on there servers leave the game because of
    this updates. On my server allready a whole lot of noobs are trying to trash talk in pvp chat.

    We never asked for icons for help we dident need it. Role debuffs why ?. The game was balanced wel enough imo.

    We had once a week a war between leaqeu s in open world i cant immagine that now with everybody using there powers plus alle the
    icons where surely freeze and lag the game on the ps3, the devs never tought about this because its going way to mainstream now.

    The difference was with a whole lot dpses that dident knew there game. Powers,clipping counter mechanics they
    relyed to much on the powers, wich can be enough in pve but in pvp its the counter mechanichs thats matters

    Well anyway i say to alle veterans pvpers SOE dont whant us. Im moving on to FFXIV maybe you all should move with me
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  20. Zylo Committed Player

    I would move with you but I heard the rent pretty high over there. i still highly enjoy this game even if its run buy a bunch of ppl that cater to a bunch of whiners.