Unnecessary Feat/Hate for Stat Clamping

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by FiremanMac85, Jul 23, 2021.

  1. Napoleon Well-Known Player

    I'm getting some terrible flashbacks of gu 47. I do wish they would of elaborated a little further on everything in the current developmental update notes considering they only give a vague idea on what we're to expect in the coming weeks/months.

    What I expect;

    Prior to Game Update 47;

    Game Update 47 on test;

    I guess we can be thankful the new players won't get screwed this time around.
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  2. Raptim Well-Known Player

    The biggest problem is the way Daybreak implements things.

    DCUO tried stat clamping before and it was huge fail. People simply quit doing the missions, especially the alerts.

    My money is on them implementing it again in their usual fashion, poorly tested and with alot of issues and it failing again. And again the player base will take another hit.

    If you want people to play it at correct cr level, simply add new desirable rewards at correct cr lvl only. People will make new toons and play it, this is a really lazy attempt at a fix coming up. They should take out all those trash base items while they are at it imo. Unless they change something, alot of endgame players don't even have a need for all the marks.

    I also believe that feats will be harder to get, creating a greater divide in older players with alot of old feats and newer players having trouble getting those same feats.

    Sure go ahead, gamble with the whats left of the player base.....again.
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  3. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    Geneticists and my life from age twelve to "way too old to be considered for a full ride football scholarship" would heavily disagree. Also, if the current DCUO system were applied to that example, After enough years, I should be able to gain enough muscle mass and improve my speed to a point to where there's nooooo waaaaaay an NFL franchise could deny a roster spot to a 440lbs of pure quarterback crushing muscle but with a 2.9s 40 yard dash time defensive end, right? Oh wait, that's not real life.

    Of course, a video game is also not meant to mimic the harsher realities of real life either. But it needs to be real enough that the human psyche identifies enough with the various elements to make it understandable, relatable and stimulating enough to appeal to players. And that's where the debate is about where on the spectrum of effort vs results to gain rewards a game like DCUO should be.

    Also, participation trophies still require....ya know...participation. Trying over and over for five hours to get a feat but ultimately never succeeding isn't winning, it's participation (at best).
  4. Faerie_Knight Well-Known Player

    I took a long break from this. I did so in part because I was playing with some friends on Xbox One. And in part I did so because I was getting sick and tired of running the exact same 2 Solo instances, the same two Duo instances (which could take up to an hour to get a partner for), and the same 4 Operations (which could take anywhere from half an hour to 3 hours to get a group for). I was limited to that limited pool of instances because my CR had gotten just high enough that I no longer got rewards for tier 4 solo, duo, and 4 player content... but it wasn't high enough yet to do tier 6 content. Oh, I suppose I could do tier two 8 man content, but that was just repeating the tier one and tier two 4 man stuff. There's only so many times you can run Test Subject and The Hunt before you are super bored of those missions. And doing the same set of 4 daily repeatable world missions is just as boring.

    Stat clamping has been around for a while now. And you know what? I can't help but laugh every time someone whines about it invalidating their progression. I mean, really? The first time I did the Outer Caverns Batcave operation I was at the recommended CR for it, barely. I struggled to face any given enemy without backup. The last time I did it, I was CR 88 or so with a couple rank 79 artifacts, a rank 39 artifact, and rank 67-75 augments. I was affected by stat clamping, naturally. The team kind of blitzed through the dang place, ignoring most of the enemies whenever possible. After we finished up I decided to stick around and look for the investigation and briefing tokens, alone. And I was able to handle the enemies fairly easily. Okay, sure I had to try to pull no more then 3 at a time. But I could do it, when before at CR 46 (I think) I couldn't even beat one single enemy on my own.

    And you claim stat clamping is invalidating your progression? Don't make me laugh.

    Besides, can't you still enter an unclamped version of the instance by using the door instead of the on-duty tab? I know that was a thing before.
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  5. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    That would indeed be silly and frivolous....when you can just apply stat clamping instead. :D
  6. Eve YouTuber

    11 toons is not necessary but a lot of us enjoy playing more than one character. I feel like we can still listen to those who are not sure of stat clamping, though they should see how it is when it hits test server, but again getting upset at them or being rude won't resolve anything. It's legitimate to feel concerns, and the Devs should enlighten us more on how this is going to work. Maybe even get a few players to test and record for them so they can show that as well. Or they themselves can play the clamped content for showcasing.
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  7. Solarbound Committed Player

  8. Faerie_Knight Well-Known Player

    Between monthly subscription fees and buying the DLC packs (still need to get half of them), I know I've spent at least a thousand dollars on DCUO over the years, and that's just on PC. I've also spent at least $600 on Xbox One, with an additional $80 to buy my brother a copy of the 'complete' edition as a birthday present a few years back since we were playing together regularly.

    The thing to remember is that an MMO can only exist if it's making a profit. As such, someone needs to be supporting the developer by paying for stuff. Okay, sure $100,000 over ten years (and 4 accounts) might be a bit much. But I'm going to have to assume that was spread out enough that it wasn't causing financial hardships.
  9. TRIXTA00001 Well-Known Player

    Those 19 alts that are maintained on a regular basis have 3x 200 artifacts for both roles.

    I have 2 main toons on each account with almost all artifacts in the game at 200 (I change powers frequently because I like the change of powers... just because I can play all roles)

    I know how to play the game.

    Each of my accounts have 610sp + (apart from xbox account which I started in September 2020, which has 500 sp)

    8 of my toons are full elite gear/OP items....

    Trust me I know how to play the game and I embrace the grind...

    I don't normally come on the forums but I had to comment as I wonder why a person who is getting the game the way they want it, calling out people who have a different opinion...

    You're doing it to cause animosity? Split the community more?

    Whatever reason.. there was no need to make a post about anything without expecting some who disagree.
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  10. TRIXTA00001 Well-Known Player

    Yes it's the beauty of alts lol..

    But yh when I have got as many feats as I can (depending on if there's anybody running anything or just finished the feats I can) I'll make an alt and pass the time.
  11. TRIXTA00001 Well-Known Player

    Yh they got me good but it's only 10k a year roughly...

    I have put money into other games also..

    But I can honestly say I have got what I've paid for in dcuo....

    Sooo you may understand why I'm a little reluctant about clamped down and maybe losing what I have spent time, effort and a lot of money on..
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  12. FiremanMac85 Well-Known Player

    I believe about 10% of what you just said
  13. Faerie_Knight Well-Known Player

    From past experience I am gonna have to suggest that all this Doom & Gloom is... probably going to be massively overblown and things wont be anywhere near as bad as those panicking think it is. Oh noes, you might not be able to easily solo group content anymore, and might actually need to work as a team to blaze through Operations. The end is nigh!

    Oh, wait, groups of people who are actually geared for that particular tier when they band together for an operations are capable of blazing through them already? And it works even better if the team knows what they're doing... Isn't it amazing how that works out? Not being able to faceroll low tier content isn't the end of the world. Hell, if you can get rewards again even though being far past that tier then it might actually encourage people to run lower tier content again.

    For a while lower tier stuff was getting ran regularly because the max level 500 SP crowd wanted artifact catalysts. Then Daybreak changed it so you merely buy them from Constantine, and the people sitting at endgame stopped running low tier content due to getting no real rewards. I am... not seeing a downside to this. Actually, I would LOVE to be able to run lower tier stuff and get rewards again.
  14. ZIGG New Player

    Definitely think people are overreacting. I’m pro stat clamp (so probably bias lol), but it looks like the main argument is how difficult it will be to get feats now. I understand how this can be a hit to the completionists out there, but the feat will always be there and you’ll have unlimited attempts at it. Also, how many skill points do these “now unattainable feats” make up…… ten? Twenty maybe? Not having these feats won’t make you end up on the bottom of the leaderboard
  15. FiremanMac85 Well-Known Player

    It wasn’t just becaus they moved it to Constantine. They have failed to make the rest of the game worth anyone’s time to go back and run. They should have made the lower content give source marks instead of whatever currency it normally gives. People have had almost no incentive to run old content for years Bc they wanted to push endgame content and replays.
  16. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    (Duplicate post from another thread)

    The first time that I get ko'd by a Star Sapphire from Episode 12 War of Light Part 2, I am done. This happened to me after the Stats Revamp. I was trying to help an at level league mate get thru the duo. I was at end game then too so that duo was a cake walk for me prior. After Stats Revamp, 3 tries and 3 wipes later I was done. Stats Revamp is what I am basing my concerns on and I'm sure a lot of the other end game players (someone is calling us veterans now, idk) are basing their concerns off of this as well. As I have said before we shall all see and we won't know until then.

    But if it does go like the Stats Revamp did, AS A SUBSCRIBING CUSTOMER who pays for yearly membership and buys lots & lots of other things in this game, this time I am done. I'm not a teenager anymore.

    As it has been pointed out to me & others all across this Forum, this update is not about end game players, it's about the new and lower CR folks. They don't care to hear our complaints or concerns about anything.

    If this goes well, it could revitalize DCUO and maybe even pickup some WoW refugees like FF14 has done. Daybreak wants customers, they want to entice with free to play and hope to make those folks paying customers too. This is the true objective - grow the player base and in doing so grow the CUSTOMER base.

    I hope they don't further alienate us high CR subscribing customers. I certainly don't feel welcomed on here anymore. I tend not to stay where I'm not wanted.
  17. Dev72 Dedicated Player

    I think the major complaint is that for years CR and gear was the chase, with other things adding to those stats such as SP put on the back burner. Now that CR and button smashing in content will no longer be the ultimate determination, people are complaining.
  18. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    That's what I said. Group leader sets it...not a voting machine once inside.
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  19. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    That's not true. I've queued into things before where there is a group of people who queued (probably after a long LFG search yielded nothing) and they say "hey, we are going for XYZ feat...do you need" or "can you help" or ask if I want to leave. This happened less than 2 weeks ago in LAB. I queued in (normally I just bring 8 of my own, but had it queued as I was running dailies) and they asked 'can we do "golden path". I know the maps and it's actually the fastest way to get to the end (other than splitting up), so sure..."ok, no problem". We went the right way, beat the boss, popped the feat. There was another queue in guy who also said "sure, doesn't matter" and didn't go out of his way to biff the feat, so it worked out for the 6 guys who queued. 80% of the time it would not. The other random got the feat too, so probably why he didn't mind. Honestly MOST of the time if I'm queuing in OP on something, I'll ask, "you guys doing any feats" as I don't like being the one to bust up a feat. Most older feats don't add a lot of time to the run, so no biggie to get them. Some do, so I'll bow out vs wreck it for them. If by the time I've typed it, someone already started things up, I'll just assume 'no' and proceed wrecking stuff too.

    Is it the best way to get feats? No. Is it sometimes the ONLY way to get into something....then pray the randoms help or leave? Yes...in fact it is. BTW....there are several feats in game where random queueing is fine for getting things done. Speed or no death feats, checklists or 'count' feats, so I wouldn't say I was 'inventing' anything. Almost every time I queue into GOM/GOME, someone is asking for one of the Cyclopes last or a 2nd boss order. Most times it's easy to accommodate them(depending if we have the right roles in group). Maybe you are against that? Some feats, you are correct. Going with randos is a for sure fail.

    You will still have this situation later...it will just be harder to get things with randos as A) you'll need them to stay and B) 'overburning' your way through won't be an option, especially where the '1st attempt' feats are concerned. The 8 man requirement has ALWAYS been the biggest obstacle to getting older content feats. Now it will be the 8 man requirement and skill....and time...
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  20. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    The point was that up until next month, we could get feats at level, 30 CR above level or (at this time) 200+ CRs above level. It was intended as a means of getting feats 'later' which is now...past 30 CR or whatever the 'clamp' is...being removed. I'm not sure when you got all your feats, but I believe in another post you said you were playing for only 4 or 5 years...so I'd guess on many of those feats you have you were greatly above level when you got them. I'd guess you do not feel those were 'participation trophy's' you should give back and re 'earn' now?
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