Unique trinity...Bye dps function

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Skyris Allen, Jun 17, 2016.

  1. Skyris Allen Well-Known Player

    Eliminate the dps and allow players no matter the role to do damage. Adjust powers damage and/or enemies defense and health or whatever devs have to do so the game won't be broken with eight people being able to do damage. Adjust powers so people can perform role and dish out damage. This will also solve multiple gear sets being needed players can just have one now and that's for their role.

    A)Controllers. Let multiple powers give out power burst instead of one and adjust percentage given out so it won't be broken
    This way player can deal damage with powers and give power. To be clear not all powers have to give power burst but a fair amount should.
    B)Tanking is Simple since whatever's powers is used taunts enemise so nothing really needs to change here but just ability to do damage while surviving.

    C) Healers- powers that damage and heal

    You can stop reading now because my point is across with what I have written above(so no need for "oh no a wall not reading" critics) but if you would like an example of what I'm talking about then continue.

    Example of healing powers damaging and healing:Take electricity power for instance.

    -Add to Arc lighting description gives bio charge to allies healed by it (supports the following examples)

    -Electrocute Add to description allies who has biocharge draws on electric current from storm and turn it into beneficial energy healing them over time for duration of storm

    -Electrogen Puts a damaging aura's on two enemies and two healing auras on two allies instead of what we have now which is one or the other depending on role.

    -Votalic bolt, add to description sends out a massive electric pulse healing allies in a large radius with a bio charge
    BioBolt- Harness your bio energy within send it to the sky to bring a massive bio charged bolt from the sky Slowly moving across the battlefield damaging any enemy it touches and instantly healing each ally it touches. Smaller bio bolts arch from ground Zapping any enemy that's electrified damaging it overtime and heals any ally with a bio charged over time for this ability duration

    -Bolt Fury- Throw one lighting bolt from each hand one that damage a target and sends detonation pulse damaging nearby enemies electrifying them and then a bio charged one at an ally that instantly heals them and any nearby bio charged allies. Any ally not bio charged near your 2nd bolt impact receives no heal but a bio charge from detonation pulse.

    I'm not saying do this exactly but let this serve as example of how all powers can damage and perform roles.

    Your free to post your own suggestions for roles doing damaging and supporting. It's time Dc roles become its unique trinity with all roles doing damage.
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  2. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    • Like x 10
  3. Wallachia Devoted Player

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  4. HymnOfMercy Dedicated Player

    Dps will hate you for this thread.
    Im gonna need popcorn.
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  5. Derio 15000 Post Club

    LOL get rid of the role that brings the game the most income, that is hilarious. More like get rid of trollers, healers and tanks would be a better option. Especially considering the game is revolving around dps for the past 5 years.
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  6. Ant Tao Well-Known Player

    *Face palm*
    Just play your power to your fullest extent. That means BOTH ROLES. Its not hard at all. I see all these posts where people complain about RNG and not getting the loot they need. Use the trash loot for your 2nd role, common sense. Now you have shorter queue/LFG times because you can play 2 roles and you have more to offer during raids. I do think support damage should be increased, however.
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  7. Slade Wilson Devoted Player

    How come I just thought every post in here deserves a "like" - except for the OP one? ;)
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  8. Skyris Allen Well-Known Player

    So players won't feel force to one role given power they want to play let all powers be all roles.You can only specialize one role at time if you want to pick different role you will to buy a specialization respec token from market place or loyalty vendor. This way things can remain somewhat in balance and not worry about people being able to just switch in/out of roles to avoid obvious problems that will cause.

    Add to description of at least two powers across all powers sets pulls when In tank mode.
    Add to overall tool tip of powers Tank,Healer and troll descriptions.

    Tanks power sets - Have description added to some of their powers saying in control role gives power over time in healer role gives healing overtime
    In control role restore power to group in healer role restores health

    Controller power sets- Powers that normally give power overtime will heal over time in healer role. Powers that normally restore power will heal allies
    In healer role.
    In tank mode their mechanic will consist of gain absorption percentage when CC an enemy.Max absorption caped at something like 40-50. Moves that normally give power will heal them based equal to portion of damage done

    Healer power sets- Powers that normally heal will restore power in control role
    Tank mechanic will be healing themselves with powers that normally heal self or group.

    Each power can have something different added to its mechanic to make it standout from others.

    Don't have to be done this way or happen at all. This just a sample to get ball rolling for ideas just in case the community wants option to do any role no matter the power
  9. BipolarDiva Loyal Player

    I dps and I love this idea.
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  10. Slade Wilson Devoted Player

    He's making a lot of armories useless with that approach. Also, it's not conclusive to say "players won't feel force" and next disable armories and have them players go to a different vendor or even the marketplace to do something that by now costs 700 ingame cash. Really, I do not have a high opinion of the mental capacities - not speaking bout the powerset - of the average DCUO player, but I do think the majority will feel the "force" in this approach.
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  11. Skyris Allen Well-Known Player

    Technically the dps is not being rid of it's still being there but within 1/3 roles you choose. Instead of just dps'ing your dps'ing and tanking, or trolling or healing.
    There won't be a drop in money spent by dps's because all powers can dps and do any of the roles if you read my second post example. Whatever money your talking about being spent will still be spent in respect badges and whatever else dps spend money on because again.. All power can be any role and do damage while in them roles
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  12. Slade Wilson Devoted Player

    Nope, it won't. However, not due to the pure DPS but due to the people who run content even more because they grind two sets - one for DPS and one for support role. These guys will for sure spent less money on replay badges.

    Also, the most obvious flaw: Putting a DPS in a support role telling him "you still can DPS" will have him do exactly that. A healer that has no eye on the health bars of his fellow players is useless, especially if he just fires his heals whenever they are to be fired according to the updated AM cookie cutter loadout that will feature one or two heals besides 4 damage powers. Same for troll or tank; the keypoint of dps and dps being critized as bad players is: they fire their AM rotation and are completely unmindful of their surroundings - the fellow players they don't pick up, the boss stance that will deflect their next attack and kill themselves/someone from their group or the attack of the boss that needs to be blocked in order to avoid being insta-killed, the boss not taking any damage because the players need to do something in their surroundings first (which is the Swamp Thing classic ;)).

    People in support roles need to watch their surroundings in order to be good; a tank needs to realize when he's losing aggro and depending on his powerset needs timing (e.g. to not die while rage crash), a troll isn't just pumping power out but when it's needed, so there isn't much of it wasted and a troll often needs play with the boss aggro from out of range etc. You can't just cut down the number of damage powers in the loadout and have the former dps spam their heals/power outs/aggros/debuffs etc whenever it's due to keep the AM rotation up. And in no other way than 1234 1234 1234 56 1234 .... the mass of the current dps would approach their new roles when "not forced" to and be told "just go on, isn't much change anyway".
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  13. Skyris Allen Well-Known Player

    Ok if you feel people will feel force and armories will become useless let's say we change it up.Get rid of one role at a time rule so now you can be any role you choose to play as at the time. If anything this increase the use of armies because people will have armories for Heal,Tank,Controller and then the different play styles for those roles. That's just looking at it from Pve side now let's include having armories for different roles for pvp.

    The average player barley have two armories and just stay wit one role while a those who do dos and play their main role have no more than two. Not many people bother with more than that unless they pvp.
    Being able to do so all three roles will increase incentive to have more armories.

    I also they see where the force is coming in at but forcing proper to play a role. I understand that may sound bad at first for dps people but take time to think about it. You can still damage like your doing now only heals or power given to the group is happening at the same time or your tanking at the same time. People won't take long to adjust and let's look a bigger picture, you have 4heals,trolls a tank or 2 tanks a multiple healers and trolls So you people have too to learn due you have 3-4+ people in instance doing same thing you can do.

    You can be any power you want now with this you'll always be. Able to damage and okay whatever role you like. If anything players are forced right now to pick between specific number of powers for the role they want to play while dps can pick anything. I'm giving a solution that allow everyone to be whatever power they won't regardless of what role they want to play(all of them if they want) and dps always still
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  14. Slade Wilson Devoted Player

    I need clarification on the "how": Will people be allowed to actually store the power inside the armory (allowing to store rage for tank and hardlight for controller etc) or will powers get a tree for each type of role per power, so every existing power will get an update of two power trees?

    20% of players participate in PVP. Lots of players have tons of armories for alts even. But I'm not arguing that allowing more roles to players will increase armory sales. Hence I asked above about the how and am very curious to hear your answer, since both ways have already been suggested at the forums and got a red light in answers by green names. Maybe you have a third idea.

    No, you don't. People don't only raid, lots prefer alerts, others duos. Let's take the duos for example: most players decline to run with someone in support role currently. Now, assuming your method will work, both will be in support role while putting the same amount of damage out. Will they have to adapt their style of playing? No, they just don't care when to take aggro or refresh power or heal themselves/the partner. Now take three of those guys into an alert with one guy knowing his support role. Before your change, that guy had the option to queue for "roles enabled" - granted, many players sabotage that options by claiming to play both of their roles and then play DPS no matter what, but the guy had at least a chance and reason to complain if his chance failed. Now, the guy is doomed. He will be send into an instance with 3 guys not knowing their support role, blindly firing their AM and top of that, maybe no one of them is in the same support role he is so he may not even be able to teach one of them the ropes.

    Quantity is not quality. I thought players learned that by now with the monthly content approach.

    First of all you're cutting one role off. Second you'd need a massive rebalance of powers to keep the same damage output up while effectively having less damage orientated powers in the cookie cutter rotation. Third you'd rip a lot of groups of the roleless buff while not guaranteeing a player actually able to play the support role he queued up for, just know he cannot switch dps to at least grant the roleless buff to the group. Lastly, you expect a huge number of players who obviously are not able to play a support role due to their attention span or other shortcomings in perception to suddenly up their game while being told "you can still DPS".

    Desaster is coming ;)
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  15. Abel DCUO Well-Known Player

    Changing this won't take that competition out of the game so you'll still have players upset about being outperformed by others. Stop trying to take the competitiveness out of a game.

    Not everyone gets a trophy
  16. Skull Collector Committed Player

    Most players play DPS. Most players aren't good DPS'. This is why they added AM/WM and power back mechanics... to make it easy for the people who are terrible DPS'. The problem is not with the role. The problem is that the game developer has catered to bad players and reduced the need for the other roles in content.

    You're asking the devs to tear apart 90% of the game and redo it. This is a terrible idea you put forward.

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  17. HideTheBodies Loyal Player

    OP I get where you're coming from, but there would still be those that would stack precision and/or might, and use the highest damaging powers, and they would essentially become the new DPS.

    You probably don't like it when people dictate how you should play. That goes both ways.
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  18. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    In almost all mmos dps is the majority role, dcuo is the only game i've played where the forums hate the dps role. You want to eliminate the most popular role in games period. How will dcuo maintain? Even if a game was created that fit your idea, there will still be players who would flock to the hardest hitting support role, and players like you would nake threads about how that role is destroying the game, or combine that role with other roles to get rid of it. It will never work in no mmo
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  19. Ala Rebeldex Loyal Player

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  20. JeffEllis Committed Player

    I'm fine with the roles they way they are. People should always have a choice of how they want to play. While I understand in spirit where the OP is coming from, in principle and practice I can't agree. DPS is a staple of not just MMOs but RPGs in general. I can remember playing DnD table top in the 80s when we had the big 4. We had tank classes, heal classes, utility classes and DPS classes. Your generic group was warrior, cleric, rogue and mage. Utility has been dropped by most MMOs and in DCUO has been replaced by Troll which is fine. It works for this game. Don't fix what isn't broken.