Unable to toggle sonic speed in flight

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by T3SLA, Aug 18, 2019.

  1. T3SLA New Player

    Still pretty new and not sure what I am doing wrong. I just got lvl 9, spent my point in the speed tree (the only thing I could choose was sonic speed) and it tells me to hold down the flight key (F by default) when flying to go super speed.

    I have tried it many times and all it does it take me out of flight and I fall. Is this as bug or what is happening? I even tried relogging, nothing helps!
  2. Xiamera New Player

    The F key is just toggle movement mode. Don't remember which key toggles super speed but if you go to settings one of the tabs gives a listing of the key binds to toggle super speed will be listed there and will even give option to change if want to
  3. bit.do/john832 New Player

    You have the press the numlock key while using your movement previously activated with the F key. I'd suggest you to change the key binding of numlock to R.
  4. JennyEverywhere New Player

    Nowadays, the R key summons your combat ally. I remapped the super speed key to the ' key, the tick mark/tilde key, to the left of the 1. It's near all the other movement keys, but not in the way, so I'm not hitting it by accident. The only issue I have with it is that it isn't trapped by chat, so if I type a ` in say, a shout, I go blasting off in the last direction I moved in, until I can hit the key again and turn it off. So set the speed key to a key that isn't already in use that's convenient to you. But R is now taken by the combat ally.