Unable to crate proper ticket

Discussion in 'PC Account Support' started by silikyan, Apr 9, 2015.

  1. silikyan Well-Known Player

    **This is a courtesy response generated by the Daybreak Games Customer Support Department.**

    Thank you for contacting us through email at the accounts@soe.sony.com address. In order for us to offer you the best support experience possible, we request that you visit our main help portal athttp://help.daybreakgames.com. Once you’ve arrived, feel free to login to your Daybreak Games account, select the product for which you’d like to receive support, and then click the “Contact Us” tab. You are more than welcome to copy and paste the subject matter of this email into our webform on the Contact Us page and we’ll be happy to get started on your request!

    * NOTE: If you are having trouble contacting us through an already existing account, or cannot contact us by phone, please create a temporary Station Account and click here to submit a ticket through the help site using the new account. Make sure to include the name of the account that you wish to address in your ticket. We will then help you recover your regular account.

    For additional ways to contact support, please review the following information:

    We look forward to hearing from you soon!


    Priority Care Routing
    Customer Support Department
    Daybreak Games

    received this as an answer did not udnerstand it says that i have to seek support same way that i did tcket still open.
  2. LadyLightning Issue Tracker Volunteer