UM has definitely been Nerfed.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by iLoveDCUO, Oct 22, 2015.

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  1. Loche Developer

    I will take a look at the health in the morning. But that shouldn't have been adjusted. It is possible that not having to deal with the mechanics as often allowed you to do more damage than you used to. Before you were constantly stopped and being pulled, knocked out, or rallying someone else who was knocked out.
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  2. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    for all the "#getgood" commenting ppl go beat SM, oh thats right you cant you cant get pass round 12 / 13

    so take your own advice ;)
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  3. Cold Fuzion New Player

    This is also true - i'm just highlighting the difference in the raid after the hotfix.
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  4. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    goood I need that healer gear :p
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  5. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    lol someone took offense :p
  6. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    Doesn't change the content of my post. The post of Loche's that I quoted mentions what was an intentional change.
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  7. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    I wish you folks would stop trying to twist every issue into vendor gear. If a raid isn't beatable by an average group of players there will always be problems. If something is overly difficult for a player they are not going to replay it, for marks or for gear. When a new 'normal' raid is released there is an expectation in the community that everyone will be able to complete it. Difficulty is added with Elite content. Even if the best gear was in the vendor, players would still have complained about UM - the mechanics were unfair (as Loche pointed out).
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  8. blazeing fire111 Devoted Player

    People are overreacting, just ran it and still hard but easier than it was.
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  9. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    Still a valid point, though. As you confirmed in your response.
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  10. Chocolate Enforcer Committed Player

    Didn't take offense but he shouldn't be talking about glitching when he is known for doing it on the villain side .
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  11. Broken Soui Dedicated Player

    Proof ?
  12. Rejoicer1 Well-Known Player

    It's still a hard raid and if you don't get with a group that knows the mechanics and explains it to you you will still wipe. I've been on since beta and have 141 CR and 224 SP and I FINALLY got a PUG thru it. So it's hard enough for the majority of the players and even for most of us experienced if we're not running with our local group of experts.

    That being said, it STILL has the WORST loot table I have ever seen. I mean raids should always give something, but 7-8 raids and not a better piece of armor in sight. (got 1 126 trinket but since it is in the side pouch and has the same stat boost, it's a wash). No way 112 should ever bee dropping in a raid that tough. Please make the loot tables so there is something we WANT in them at least once a raid.

    Raid fun: good
    Loot: lousy
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  13. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    known? hmm must be just known to you and your peeps? b/c I've been on villain side for 5 yrs and havent heard of it unless his IGN is different from here (which Im sure it is), but up til now your the 1st to call him out on glitching.
  14. iLoveDCUO Well-Known Player

    Yup. And even today my buddy who's been healing barely a month at the most. Solo healed a pug group. We joke on his heals. He wouldn't bring his healer in SM...Not even for Round 1. But he can Solo UM now? I'm sorry but Round 1 SM is ten times easier than UMR was prenerf.
  15. BumblingB I got better.

    I just ran it with my league, half pug. The mechanics, not the health was changed. We still didn't complete it, but the second boss fight, did something change with the blood pools that spawn adds? It seems like 3 spawn instantly, even if you roll out in time. So if there are 3 people, you can easily reach max amount of adds very quickly. We never had that issue before. Though, I have yet to complete it, Trigon's fight is a bit more forgiving, but the little stun demon is quite irritating.

    Anyways, I think the adjustments made the feel of the health being different, not the actual health itself. Can you please look at the blood pools in the second fight?
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  16. iLoveDCUO Well-Known Player

    I'll agree with Chocolate on this one. There are plenty that like to glitch though. Even Nirvanas got snitched out for glitching Hat Trick on Villain side by having someone die in front of the console a DLC later even. We won't mention all the names though. But a certain friend of mine was asked to help because he had gotten the feat with us when it was relevant then came and told us what they did. I didn't even know you could glitch it at that point. The fact that people have no pride in getting some of their feats legit or without cheesy clownbox mechanics on throne for death proof is beyond me. Don't call yourself good and be the first to cheese or glitch a feat.

    I have plenty of videos saved on my PSN from people on villain side if I ever wanted to Air them out. I've been in certain raids and then just hit record in the middle of it. I almost made a Spam Heals compilation even from some ELITE*** so called players. Figured I'd be nice. We'll just say certain healers that have Plats and Pets continuously hit heals over and over when nobody's life bar has moved and the troll is sitting there dumping right in front of them. Plats and Pets don't make you a better player. That's why I've never referenced people that brag about getting plats in SM to be established players. Some be there the entire month just for a shirt and such. Come back to Reg End Game content and still fail at those mechanics.

    You mean you went in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber(SM) trained came out with achievements and still are just slightly above average. Crazy. Got Plats and Pets yet can't do Granny Gold Star 5 DLCs later and whine Stompa is Broken I don't know how to take my pet off and be max range over 25 meters. I have to max damage... We can't do it... :( This isn't everybody...but it's a lot of so called Elite players that were in Round 14 in this SM.

    When I'm trolling, I'll sit right in front of them and spam brawling mastery dump to see if they catch the hint. If they don't I proceed to hit record. If I'm bored enough I might make a video this weekend. It's just mind boggling to me.
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  17. Danja9 Active Player

    I feel so sick. I can't believe u guys nerfed quantum.
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  18. iLoveDCUO Well-Known Player

    This could very well be true. Last week though same people it seemed 80% adds every time. Today 50% health with group that has Good burn before adds think of coming out. Me, Aries Pein, Fairytails, and some others. We got the hell's hatred to spawn before Adds? That can't be right. That's just crazy. We're well established players, but....shoot we didn't become that OP overnight. As I stated, our CRs haven't even moved at all. I was on my 141 alt Aries on his 139Alt it's just crazy. I guess I can just be satisfied I accomplished all the feats prior to this *FIX* or nerf however you want to call it.
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  19. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Beat it in 18 minutes earlier. Before I was terrified of this raid....
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  20. iLoveDCUO Well-Known Player

    Sup Fatal! Yo should have sent me a tell and ran with us. We spammed all the feats even the Elite ones the first few days. I didn't know you were struggling. Don't be shy next time.
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