U.S ps3 villain league recruiting

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by EDdaLEGEND, Mar 24, 2013.

  1. EDdaLEGEND New Player

    U.S ps3 villain league "HE RO PLEASE" recruiting. We are a friendly league, almost like a family. We're looking for any roles lvl 30 highest need is tank and healer, either experienced or willing to learn. We are mainly a Pve league & are fully capable of beating any Pve content so far. We are most active in the evenings central time after work or school, but our numbers are low some nights due to some people waiting for the next challenge. We still manage to do many raids as a league each week. We have people skilled in each role and power if you ever need tips or suggestions. We throw in some South Park style humor while we play so if your younger or a little uncomfortable with that kind of humor, we may not be right for you. We have common fair loot rules for instances & try to avoid drama. All we ask from new members is to have fun & make some kind of an effort towards improving your character. We don't like league hoppers or people that want us to do everything for them. The more you give to the league, the more the league will give back to you. We wanna make sure you're a loyal person before we help with anything major. If you are interested or have any questions feel free to contact us on here or send message/tell to either EDdaLEGEND, DonnyDoom, or Kid Sentry in game.
  2. EDdaLEGEND New Player

    Forgot to mention we are alt friendly and understand if u can't play every night. We have a mixture of casual & hardcore players.
  3. Hironoga28 New Player

    I am Interested in your League i am a controller that is still figuring out how to use my character to the best of it's ability,More then willing to learn Only been in two another league but are not active so i went on my own.
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  4. EDdaLEGEND New Player

    Ok, message me in game when I'm on & I'll ask a few questions
  5. EDdaLEGEND New Player

    All roles still welcome. We're lowest on tanks. We try to get players to be able to run as their dps & support role, but only if they're comfortable.
  6. EDdaLEGEND New Player

    We're good on trolls now. We could still use another healer and tank possibly a dps depending on power. Feel free to contact us
  7. EDdaLEGEND New Player

    Still got 1 or 2 spots open for a tank or healer or possible dps
  8. TomzOJO New Player

    Level 17 from the UK, Nature and Healer, can I join
  9. EDdaLEGEND New Player

    We normally want level 30 players, but message me in game & I'll ask u a few questions
  10. TomzOJO New Player

    Ok I added your PSN, are you online now?
  11. DarkCrusaderX New Player

    I am new to DCUO I would like to join I am on just about daily if I can, I do have an ice tank, a fire tank and an earth tank I would love to join as one of or all three tanks. I will work hard leveling up I will just need help with basics such as what to put points in what is effective for playing until reaching level 30, after that I would just need help making sure I perform my role as a tank eventually upon reaching level 30.
  12. EDdaLEGEND New Player

    Ok, we can help with that. I specialize in tanking, especially fire. Send me a tell when I log in on EDdaLEGEND. I'm on almost every night afte work
  13. DarkCrusaderX New Player

    Sweet awesome I will do that I look forward to it.
  14. EDdaLEGEND New Player

    Still got a couple spots left. Healer or tank preferred, don't be afraid to contact us.
    Most of us live in the eastern time zone and play after school or work. Hit us up
  15. Felix Frost Level 30

    I'm looking for a league that will give me lots of free remix soders because I die a lot! Does your league do that?
  16. The Inquisitor New Player

    I am interested in doing a trial run with you all. I am a casual raider (I would like to raid 2-3 times a week) and pvp a little as well. I am an electric healer with a cr of 52. My name in game is The Inquisitor. I look forward to speaking with someone
  17. EDdaLEGEND New Player

    Still a couple spots for active players, message me if interested
  18. EDdaLEGEND New Player

    Tank & heal Could use one more of each don't have to be geared, willing to teach
  19. Black Arrowette Well-Known Player

    I'm interested in your league. I'm an Electric Healer with a 59 CR and 47 Skill Points(Still working on these!). I already know how to properly spec so there isn't any need to teach me how to do so since my main was previously a Healer. This character, of course, is an alt so I may not be able to be on it all the time since I have some responsibility on the Hero side being an officer in a league and all. My characters name is Micro Volts. I do PvE and PvP(even though I PvP in cruddy Blood Bat gear :p).
  20. EDdaLEGEND New Player

    I sent you a tell in game but did not get a response. If your still interested send one of the members listed above a tell