Trying To Level Characters

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by PolarisSylar, Sep 7, 2023.

  1. PolarisSylar Committed Player

    I been away from the game for months , what a good way to level my alts characters.
    So , it at cr 370 but want it to minimum cr 385.
    Thank you.
  2. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    Tempus Fuginaut vendor
    Dr Fate vendor Fuginaut box, Dr Fate Daily Rewards gear
    Save the Universe vendor
    Shock the System
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  3. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    The Bombardier gear from the Quarks vendor in the House of Legends might offer a quick boost to your cr. Apart from that, just running the current Dakota City content, and using any purple or blue gear drops from the current content. You should also try playing the Save the Universe content too, as the gear drops from it should be helpful and you can buy better gear from Rip Hunter by the Time Sphere in the HoL.
  4. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    Another note, it has always been a general rule to try to keep your Skill Points close to your CR. Although the game has made it so new people can join in current content quickly so that people can bring friends onboard and so the population stays high, feat chasing has become an even larger part of how to improve your character. Those are not as easy to come by, and shouldn't be.
  5. testnames New Player

    I don't think you can do Save the Universe till you get to CR385
    I spam t2 solo test subject, you get 3 drops and I can do it in less than 5 min.
    also do all daily contest in your cr plus Dakota.
  6. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    In addition to what the others said, save your 'Shock to the System' daily/weekly mission boxes for now. If you open them now, you will get gear that tops out at 335 max. This is the same gear you will get if you run anything in omnibus or 'event' level content. If you save the boxes till you hit 385 CR, the gear inside will level higher than 335, up to the 'current' CR levels and also will potentially have other things like OP gear materials, which they will NOT have if opened below 385.

    As the boxes stack, you can easily have 20 or 30 odd boxes built up just running daily missions and sitting on them. That's 20-30 odd pieces of gear you can use to go above 385.
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  7. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Please do not use quarks to buy gear unless you have finished all TCs feats. If you absolutely have to buy gear for whatever reason please buy from fate for the lower currency or sell things on broker to buy the avatar gear from broker

    The simplest way to get to the minimum cr fast is to spam the Chinese theater solo, shady night club duo, or if you have the head augments for wonderverse at 17 (I think. For the extra marks) the wonderverse solo. You’ll get pretty gear at a good rate.

    Do the current dlc open world but do not open the boxes. Save those for when you get to 385 so that you can get a little boost to your cr after getting to 385.
  8. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    You can run STU at omnibus level to build currency, as long as you are at the required CR (which 370 is high enough for anything this round), however, you can only claim the daily free coin at 327 and need 385 to get the top tier gear.
  9. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    150 for the Amazon instances, 210 for the JLD instances. 385 is if you want to run the non-Omnibus versions. My CR197 Atomic Tank is running the Amazon mission, and my CR 2-something Light DPS is able to run both the Amazon runs and the JLD ones.

    The only reason I know the lower limits is because of my Tank. When I tried to play her on the Amazon instances, it said the minimum was 150, When she finally passed 150, I tried to play STU, but it was on the JLD runs, and those said the minimum was 210. :(
  10. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    Guh, I'm terrible with numbers. The Amazon instances are available from CR 190, not 150.