Trouble doing decent DPS(Elec), any suggestions?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Patrick_Jones, Aug 7, 2021.

  1. Patrick_Jones Level 30

    Aaaand one last thing,
    I have read the descriptions on Artifacts and all,
    I actually want to change Solar Amp to different Art.
    (I mean I chose that when started and only cuz it looked cool :p)

    So, I'm kind of middle of nowhere now like
    I realized how Circuit Breaker will give me huge buff in Damage then

    1. Do I want to use the Cloak Art and use CB as many as possible?
    or 2. summon pet like Grim so that it deals constantly??

    which would you recommend? for DPS?

    *just FYI, Arts that I currently have are
    Strat Card, Trans Card for both Heal / DPS Role (both 180)
    for Heal - Purple Healing Ray(160) / DPS - Solar Amplifier(200)
  2. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    If you're ok with getting another artifact up, keep Solar Amp just in case or for certain situations. But if you're really insistent on getting rid of Solar Amp, go for Scrap of the Soul Cloak. It's my opinion that having more use of Circuit Breaker will net you more damage overall.

    Trans/Strat/Solar has worked wonders for me. Usually I get seriously outdamaged when i'm seriously off my game or the other DPS is using every tactical advantage that I'm not (several armories, swapping artifacts and trinkets, movement mode advantages etc). If you do make any other major changes be sure to update this thread. I would like to know how things work out for you.

    Also, love your armories back there. Looking real sharp.:D
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  3. Patrick_Jones Level 30

    yeah, think I'm going to keep the Solar Amp on the side and get another one UP.
    I mean I'm probs gonna use Solar Amp until I get the Soul Cloak (or any other) to 180-ish.

    but I understand now how Circuit Breaker would make to do tons of damage so yeah :)

    and Thanks xD I started Batman armories back then, but after that I realize so many peeps
    already DO have or had Batman armories so I thought, why not change to Marvel stuff?

    so I worked on Ironman, Thor(because Hand Blast & Electricity), and my own creation of Nightwing ;)
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  4. Aduzar Light Dedicated Player

    After when you compare yourself to another PDS check well to compare yourself to a "might" or precis DPS, the devs are leaving a monumental chasm of difference between the precise players and the players of type "might" those can sometimes put you 20 to 30 million differences even more in the final result of what to demoralize the players might, on this point it is really time that they move the ***, because the game is really and extremely unfair has that level in addition to ruining completely the morale, I hope that these will be heard and in the good direction! !!
  5. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Wrong thread for all of that. If you want to bring that issus up, by all means start that thread (but do so with actual facts and numbers and not useless anger and hyperbole).
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  6. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    No. OP please ignore this post. There isn’t a “monumental” difference between precision and might. The people who are saying this just don’t want to test ways to improve their loadouts and instead want to blame others.

    I personally wouldn’t get rid of solar amplifier since it’s a strong artifact for your ST loadout. It even helps with aoe. The reason heat vision is good for aoe is because the solar amp will apply a burst at the end of the heat vision. The burst will also place a burn DoT to all enemies hit by it. These ticks of burn can also proc the strategist as well. So getting rid of it would actually eliminate some of the options you have for dps.

    Instead Id recommend leveling the grim on the side to use for single target. For single target you could use transformation, solar, and grimorium. The pet damage from grim will be consistent while the strat won’t always be up.. unless you are lucky
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  7. Patrick_Jones Level 30

    Oh..kay I would ignore what that is about :eek:

    Thank you for that recommendation :)
    I just tested out FFr & FVr as weekly reset happened..




    I mean.. I almost did half of this DPS with my old loadout / rotation last week.
    and Thanks to you all for recommending me nicely about ..

    Shalayah - for consumable changes / positioning in raid
    KHALON - for loadout changes / Solar Amp rotations
    LeagueOfV - for Mod changes
    Deity - EVERYTHING (Big thanks to you, man)
    and the rest thumbs up from me that Circuit Breaker IS JUICE!!
    (and with Tesla Ball and equipment mod, it charges up pretty quick :) )

    I'd probably post sth again after I get my Soul Cloak or Grim. Artifact above 180 and test out
    (It would take time cuz 2x Artifact EXP has happened 2 weeks ago and gone for now)

    well, Thanks AGAIN all, I LOVE this community!

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  8. Dark Soldier Dedicated Player

    I dont think anybody complemented your iron man, so lemme say u look just like him
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  9. Patrick_Jones Level 30

    Thanks a lot man :D I'm very much satisfied with my looks on my toon

    Next thing I should do is to get rare materials and make more ironman suits ;)
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  10. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Yup no problem at all. One last thing I will like to advice. And that is the league hall.

    If you have a league with a league ball, the league hall is your best friend. When you are done with everything and have nothing to do try hitting the league hall war room. Try to get more comfortable with your loadout. Someone mentioned positioning and I can’t stress how important it is. Mobility in general is hugely important. Practice bunny hopping while doing your rotation. You will find some can be jumped easily while others not so much (IE Tesla ball). When repositioning try to minimize how often you stop moving to reposition or move out of a damaging area. If you see someone pop a supply drop learn to bunny hop while casting abilities on the way to the supply drop.

    Not only that but the league hall is a safe place to pay attention to the numbers of your abilities. So when it’s time to use an orbital you will know which ability to substitute to make your rotation to feel smooth. If you pop circuit break you will learn which abilities have the longer cooldowns so you learn what to clip with it. You can learn which abilities have longer dovetails which can get you in trouble when you have to block.

    And the second to last thing you can practice with the sparring targets…. Weapon weaving. I won’t recommend getting into this until you practice it. Basically the way it works is that you tap range while you are casting an ability (not while holding the ability hot bar IE L2 R2). Then casting the next ability. So for example. Using my aoe loadout of heat vision, arc, Tesla ball, voltaic, robot, circuit breaker.

    When you use heat vision you activate it and tap range after it’s been activated. After tapping range (during the cast) you do arc lightning. When arc lightning activates you will also get the damage from the tap range of your weapon while also doing arc lightning. So you will see 2 ticks of damage for the animation of arc. Heat vision being a channel ability it’s easy to practice it with. However you can do it with other abilities. After you get the hang of using the tap with HV you can practice with Tesla ball and voltaic blast. Both having extended dovetails (animation frames) which lets you do it with those abilities. You can do it with arc but it’s dovetail is shorter so you have to practice it a bit.

    Doing it won’t be like. HUGE difference but it is extra damage.

    And finally. The big thing to do with league halls. Be ready because this is a big one. And that is…. Experiment. It’s never a bad idea to get help with loadouts. If you’re lost it’s ok to ask for help. But don’t just take someone’s loadout and never try to improve. Who knows. Maybe they do have the best loadout. Maybe they do not. But if you use other loadouts than the best you will ever be is as good as them. The only way to get better is to experiment and see if maybe you find a hidden gem. People used to call me a noob for using freezing breath with some of my loadouts. But now it’s everywhere lol. The point is. Try new things. If you don’t find anything better than so be it, you have the other loadouts. If you do find something better than you can help others out too. Maybe you will come to the same conclusion and find that that loadout was the best maybe not. But the game gives you all the tools needed to practice. You have 1 second and 10 second parsers to test rev up time. You have 30 and 60 second parsers to test sustain and true dps. You have after combats to test in game dps to see how you did. If you learn how to use the tools you can find way to test.
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  11. Patrick_Jones Level 30

    wow thanks for those words man, very appreciated.

    Truth be told, I do not have a league yet.
    I only practice on those sparring targets in WT basement.
    (or running same raid/alert multiple times to check it out)

    I know it's somewhat sounds odd playing more solo in MMO but I used to play FF14 for years
    and I didn't like to be obligated to socialize too much in videogame :p

    it's just my thing.
    it's not like I have social anxiety issues or sociophobia, but when in FF14 I just experienced too much drama.

    wonder if I can ever find a decent league xD
    I mean it's nice when people ask me to join their league, (I mostly apologize and refuse)
    but I also have seen a lot of people try to snap me to their league w/o asking :p

    is there a way to have or find a single sparring target in DCUO?
  12. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    I’m in 3 leagues. My main is in a league with a bunch of my friends. My other toon is in a friends league and all my baby toons are in my personal league.

    If you want to can park your toon in my personal league just to gain access to the league hall war room. If not than I highly recommend starting your own personal league. You don’t even have to invite anyone lol. Just build prestige so that you can open your own league hall. If you build prestige you can even activate league buffs to help your damage.
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  13. Patrick_Jones Level 30

    Ah that sounds great. Think I'm gonna work on that

    Thank you very much ;)
  14. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Np. Even if no one is in it. Having a league hall is great so that you can do better testing.
  15. LeagueOfV Dedicated Player

    It's great to see you had positive results. People like to complain a lot about the community, but on the forums it can be pretty helpful when you ask about power sets. I have a love hate relationship with electric as it's my original power, but I switched to celestial when the DPS was completely useless for almost 3 years back in DWF times.

    Every run will be different, so don't be discouraged if you have a fail now and then. Some elite runs I'll double the 2nd DPS, other runs I'll be doubled when I die during the boss fight. Regular raids are more consistent to seeing how your damage is doing, and elite is where you can see the benefit of having that optimal load out.

    Good to hear that you will keep Solar, as I feel likes it's a must have for electric single target. For celestial I have so many strong DOTs, I do very well with trans/strat/grim. For electric I use solar/trans/soul. I think trans and strat at 200 will probably be better than soul, but you have already seen the massive difference CB makes, so having soul to keep CB going is a big benefit in green circle runs.

    I think some other people said maybe pass on grim and try out should as your 4th art. If grim did the Elec PI then I would try it, but since it does polarized I just don't think it's worth it. It makes no sense at all the electric has 2 PIs, but it just adds more fuel to my hate pile with my OG power :mad::confused:.
  16. Aduzar Light Dedicated Player

    To say that it's not true, when it's very easy to see on the scoreboards, is really playing ignorant !!!

    I invite you to look at your groups sorting might and precise dps (easy thing to do, precise players are "leapfrog/chip" players in their gameplay) and you will clearly see that it is far from being false as some tend to want to make it believe !
  17. spikeat Well-Known Player

    I would prioritize in getting your Strat Card to 200 because you're missing out on 30% increase of damage from those dots. Typically you see seasonal cookies and league buffs are increments of 3% boost so 30% is quite substantial. If you have a PC, you can log onto the test server and try out the grim and quislet. I also use the scrap to build up CB on my electric toon. If you get lucky and get into a group with 2 EOGs overlaying each other, then that's where electric really shines. You might be able to get away with using CB and Neo Venom at the same time depending on how fast your SC can regenerate.
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