TRIPLE Currency Week!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Apr 6, 2022.

  1. Mauricio New Player

    • Like x 1
  2. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    This is great and i am guessing new dlc is coming next week or the week after?
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  3. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    April 14 been confirmed yup
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  4. HooLeeCow Well-Known Player

    Marks X 3 and its hard to form a groupe for TSD :) cya april 14 then .
  5. The Cat-Lady Well-Known Player

    Streaky, the other kitties, and I are awaiting the new DLC with great antici ... pation!

    *fills Krypto's former super-bowl with kitty kibble, since he has been booted from the Cat Cave!* :p
  6. Latino Level 30

    I know this may be off topic, but giving its a limited time item, I thought id just bring it up to make a case for it orderly. Is it possible that you guys could make the "Retro Combat Parser" a permanent item by drop, by pet vendor or marketplace. It's a really cool item and I hate seeing it leave the game! :( Its one of the few cosmetic items I'd be totally pleased with paying for. It would be greatly appreciated to get a dev reply on this.
  7. XanderDM New Player

    I just started playing again last week for the first time in years and I just hit level 30 yesterday, so this is pretty much perfect timing for me!
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  8. FazlaBakmaKafaYapar Active Player

  9. Eve YouTuber

    Why are you using Tori's thumbnail?
    Literally hid his name too.

    Original video to support:
    • Like x 7
  10. Gundraasi Well-Known Player

    Kudos! One of the best Bonus weeks since a long time for me. Triple Currency AND double Source? - Just WOW! Thank You so much :)