Trading Rep?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Dr.EvilZ, Feb 4, 2020.

  1. Dr.EvilZ New Player

    Is there a Website or something to see if someone is a good trader, for example Warframe has which i love and you can see how well the person is received on there rep, is there one for DCUO?(first time trading got scammed, but someone helped me out and gave back some cash after the scam)
  2. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    If there is, I don't know if it would last long here if someone were to try and publicize it. Naming names and/or calling folks out in that manner comes awfully close to blacklisting, and that's frowned upon here.
  3. Jafin 10000 Post Club

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  4. kingmasternova Loyal Player

    It's the same thing with those sites that shows your character(s). I should have a said to have my character on those site or not. People like try to complete in leader broad and I don't want that. I want to have that ability to not have have my character in game not showing up on score card.
  5. nawanda Loyal Player

    Hard to see how this would be useful with an anonymous broker system and the trade window facility.

    Don’t do anything outside those with anyone you don’t know and trust.
  6. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    I agree with


    The first problem with posting anything on the forums that might show a player ripping off other players is the Terms of Service. Yeah the report may very well be 100% accurate but under the TOS any player posting a report showing another is ripping off other players could actually find themselves banned because we are not allowed to list character names. So how do we get an accurate report?

    Next is what Nawanda mentions unless the transaction happens person to person in a TRADE situation none of us has a clue who we are buying any item from off the broker. Now let's be honest while some stuff is done in person a much larger amount of trade is done using the broker.

    So as far as an accurate site giving us a low down on who is doing what as far as trading / selling items in game We have no clue who more than half the sellers are as long is they only use the broker and Anyone training in person is protected by the TOS.. report them and YOU wind up banned before THEY do.
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  7. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    My advice? Dont trade with people you dont know. Trade with league mates or friends only. Theres far too many scammers in this game that see no punishment for their behavior.
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  8. L T Devoted Player

    Although it's against terms of service to blacklist players, whitelisting doesn't violate any policies.
  9. Hraesvelg Always Right

    I also imagine any system like this in place would like to track, shall we say, non-regular forms of trade? I see a lot of things being offered for PSN cards or Venmo and other forms of non-supported methods.