Toxicity/swearing/inappropriateness on consoles

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Comixfan, Jan 29, 2018.

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  1. DCUO SmackThem Well-Known Player

    Well I’ve been reported for “cheating” before all because I outdpsed a 60 cr with my 30 cr water healer in a duo..... and I got suspended the next day when I did nothing wrong. Came back a week later just for the same guy to send me a tell saying “it was just a test to see if reporting was messed up” and I went off on him solely for the reason he made me miss a week of my membership with money I spent, and also a week of progression all because he was salty I outdpsed him.....

    So I’ll have to agree that this report system needs some working to it.
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  2. Comixfan Committed Player

    Not a word from the devs about this.

    How disgraceful.
  3. lfc09kris Well-Known Player

    You do realize this is the internet? people will say stuff regardless if there are guidelines in place and there is no possible way to stop it, if it really triggers you that much then maybe you should give it a break for a while and be offended by something that actually matters in the world?
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  4. High Troller Loyal Player

    If these complainers have access to the forums, they could easily follow my guide at the bottom of the link to report someone.
  5. Comixfan Committed Player

    No possible way to stop it?

    Daybreak have a reporting system in place, but to fully utilise it you need to not only manually submit a report from in game, but then go to their website and open a ticket there too.

    Given how much toxicity there is on consoles, you end up spending more time making reports and opening tickets than you do playing the game.

    I have limited gaming time. I want to spend that time actually playing the game. Yet there's so much toxicity that needs to be reported (and yes, it does need to be, because letting people get away with some of the things they say just cannot be allowed!) that the actual time spent playing becomes almost non-existent.

    It's absolutely ridiculous. Daybreak need to revamp their reporting system to make it easier and less time consuming for players to be able to make the reports necessary to help clean things up.

    But Daybreak are completely radio silent on this issue. Not a single word from them about this at all.

    See above.
  6. High Troller Loyal Player

    you could've reported many players given the amount of time you spend in this thread. i'm guilty of reporting players. i then put them on ignore. easy. tried and tested of pc and ps4.
  7. loganbach New Player

    The reporting systems is there for a reason. To report the incident. If you do not report it ,preferably with pictures, then it never happened and you are wasting everyone's time complaining about it. I report them when then get really bad and don't they don't listen to a tell.
    The only problem with reporting them is that unless you "friend" them and stay on the game 7/24, you do not know if they are still play. They disrupt the game and create issues but their PRIVACY is upheld. What about us that have to endure the BS. Daybreak should release a weekly report on how many were suspended/banned per week and what the were suspended/banned for. This would show the community that the standards are being maintained and reporting works while maintaining the PRIVACY the Daybreak think they owe them.

    Just a suggestion.
  8. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    So is driving 57 in a 55. Good luck in life expecting everyone to follow what you think should be followed.
  9. Jay Smeezy Dedicated Player

    3 pages for cussing?

    Oh well...on to 10,000 posts!
  10. SkullGang Devoted Player

    Man up. People are toxic and swear in real life. What makes you think that won't exist on a video game ?
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  11. loganbach New Player

    Grow up snowflake. The swears are not the issue. It is the hate and vileness that is causing the toxicity. I can filter the swears if they offended me but the rest does not filter out and there is really no need for it anyway. People in general, do not write the way that they speak. So these people are just acting out because there is no consequence to their action. Warn them then ban the IP so that they cannot get back on the game, even with a new account.
  12. |The 3rror Committed Player

    coming back to xbox for dc? dang game havent been out long for that console ppl saying coming back but you gone expect internet trolls or how ppl act its. normal only thing u can do is add them to ignore/report them and move along ‍♂️
  13. stärnbock Devoted Player

    could it be that the word means simply "black" in other languages?
    that would explain why it would be used so often, without racism...
    just an idea. at least on the EU server are many different languages.
    also dark sounds very close in french "noir" or italian i guess "nero".
    not unlikely that some countries have black and dark sound similar.
  14. Knarlydude Loyal Player

  15. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    You have had an explanation by more than one player on how to take care of the issue and one of your responses was I've been here since blah blah blah and I know what to do.

    I suggest that you start doing what you supposedly know. Doing nothing accomplishes nothing.

    Since you don't have time to report but you have time to come to the forums and complain. I suggest that you turn your profanity filter on. End of discussion. Have an awesome day. :)
  16. Gamma Lantern Committed Player

    Good intentions really don't give you a pass on using the word.

    The history behind it is too offensive for anyone outside the black community to be using it.
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  17. Comixfan Committed Player

    I have reported many, many players in my years playing the game.

    It doesn't change the fact that the reporting system as it currently stands isn't intuitive, easy to use (on console at least), and is far too time consuming.
  18. The Anxient Loyal Player

    I love how apparently nobody who has ever played this game on pc cusses or uses racial slurs. Gtfoh with your baiting.
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  19. Comixfan Committed Player

    Whoever said I do nothing about it? Or that I don't have time to report but do have time to post?

    Perhaps you shouldn't assume so much then perhaps you wouldn't come across as being so arrogant.

    "End of discussion". How about no and instead you get off your high horse.

    Are you on console? Do you know how time consuming it is to manually type out /report <name> [reason] with a controller? And then load up the very clunky default console browser, navigate the Daybreak website with the browser's cumbersome UI, and then manutlly type out a ticket with a controller?

    It's hugely time consuming to do that for just one report, let alone mutiple, and given the vast number of toxic players on console that's a lot of reports each gaming session.

    That's why most people on console don't even bother with filing a report. They just ignore which doesn't even begin to solve the problem.

    And THAT is why Daybreak need to revamp the reporting system (for console at the very least), otherwise their reputation will continue to be tarnished by the stain that is toxic players in DCUO on console.
  20. High Troller Loyal Player

    tell us how you really feel
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