Took a look at some of the other SOE games

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by RJTally31, Mar 12, 2014.

  1. RJTally31 Active Player

    Why is it DCUO doesn't have Getting Started tab like Planet Side 2. Took a look at that. There Vids on everything u need to know to get u started. That is one of the biggest problems in DC. Guy having to search YouTube and a bunch of sites. That tab has basic settings key bindings to game play and different roles. Plus the have a wiki come on.

    One other thing i saw is players corner were u can create items there and devs take a look at those. If they like them they will pay to use them. Awesome if u ask me.

    So my question is this why does the other SOE games have such things but dc is still trying the fix Combat Balance in precision and might after 3 years?

    The tools are there why not use such things to teach your players.
    Let them have players corner dev tool to use on styles, base items, lair themes. All sand box concepts?