To kick or not to kick?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Plum Crazy, Sep 14, 2014.

  1. Ice Lantern New Player

    For lower tiered stuff, I'm not surprised when DPSes are out-damaged by support roles due to gear (especially weapons). But in current content if your gear is subpar, then that's part of the reason why you're a bad DPS. When I say that someone is a bad DPS, it's not just referencing skill. I mean it as in the general ability to perform.
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  2. Ice Lantern New Player

    In all my years of playing videogames, I have only ever lost a game on purpose once. I was beating this dude badly in Madden and this guys start yelling and berating his wife. I knew that saying something would only make him more mad (and he'd just take it out on her after) so just gradually threw the game. That's one of those things I will never forget.
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  3. rival exe New Player

    I wouldn't kick them for having low SP. I don't care about that stuff. I would kick them if they were

    a) being a jerk to me or another person in the group (includes talking trash, being a CR/SP/Stat snob, being racist/homophobic/etc...)
    b) not listening to instructions
    c) going AFK too much; if you got stuff to do then play after you finish...
    d) too annoying on mic
  4. Forced Penance New Player


    If you can perform your role, you stay.
    If you hinder the group, you get kicked.
    If you are learning, or a newbie to the run, speak my experience, when people know there are new people to a run, they will go out of their way to teach, instruct, demonstrate, explain and compensate for the lack of experience. However, if they go in thinking it is going to be a quick in and out and no one spoke up, when difficulty hits, people start looking for the weak link.

    A teacher once explained to me it was like a switch in the human mind. If they go in knowing someone needs help, they will go out of their way to help them. If someone doesn't ask for help or instruction, most people get angry or offended (thinks he is so smart mentality) and makes it so the other people don't want to help him, even taking pleasure in his failure and subsequent punishment.
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  5. Sbel Devoted Player

    I'm assuming that they're only talking about top level missions. I was once 2nd dps in FoS1 as the solo troller. :D The top dps was the solo healer. 4th was one of the 2 tanks. Random queue groups are funny. ;)
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  6. Slade Wilson Devoted Player

    Simple approach on my side: I never inspect orther people and I never kick for gear. I do kick however if people repeatedly start kick votes. I remember some alert when the topdps repeatedly tried to kick the 2nd troll after me from the group. I managed to get in between and start a vote to kick him - and he was gone, 3 minutes later group was back at full again and no longer any annoying votes poping up. So bottom line: I'm not afraid to kick the best player (in terms of performance) from the group if he behaves like a jerk.
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  7. StarshipAwesome Well-Known Player

    There's never even a guarantee that while someone has the skill points that they have even been allocated. We get notifications that we have earned specific achievements, not that we have a new skill point all the time. We sometimes do, but I don't ever remember getting one of those notifications on the side of the screen post level cap. It was always less common for me the more I approached level cap.
  8. Red Skorpion Dedicated Player

    i'd kick him for having the OP neck ... not for having 55 SP's
  9. the solowing Unwavering Player

    i had a friend almost cry on me because i was skinning him alive in dbz tenkaichi 3 so my friend made me let him win the next match. I regret that soooo badly i shouldve went extra hard on his just to see those those delicious tears and then laugh at him about it. Next time their will be no mercy...
  10. Mageara Well-Known Player

    I wouldn't kick I always give them a chance. However, they always fail miserably so I don't know why I even bother. All this 'elitist' bs is just annoying. Wanting competent people doesn't make you an elitist. When the third or 4th dps is 2-4 mil behind the the next dps and is making your run much more difficult/longer than it should be it doesn't make you an elitist to kick. If the troll can't keep up with the power and is being carried by the main troll but everyone is doing ok with power doesn't make you an elitist to kick. When a healer is solo healing and has the reflexes of a dead cat or is a spammer but keeping the group barely alive doesn't make you an elitist to kick.

    All this qq over kicking is so hypocritical. Everyone on these forums is always like 'ugh people learn how to play your role' but then you turn around and start cry bloody murder if a geared group won't give some one who is clearly undergeared a chace. 70 sp in end game content is not okay. Not saying I would kick that person because I barely use that all and when I do it's to check out my own leagues stats. But being honest 70 sp is too low. Vets can get away with it on an alt but they'll still be carried why is it okay for a newer player to do the same? Show me someone who has been playing for 3 months with 70 so that can run a lockdown feat without dying everywhere b
  11. areacode8O8 Committed Player

    That's awesome that gadget controller is Hercules. My Controller gives powa and tickles mantis. So yes I will judge the dps if he's only out dpsing me by a little
  12. Plum Crazy Committed Player

    Nice comments people like sore said it's nice that at least for the most part the community ain't completely overran with elitist, which is surprising considering how old dc is lol. I left this game for awhile when FF came out and after playing it awhile was pretty sure I would never be back but after about a month or so I found elitist was a understatement in that game lol talk about richards my lord. I was and still ain't a fan of kicking if a case comes where I feel that something is not working out the door is always close by and I will use it. To the comment about the gold neck saying it means that person beat the raid, you might wana rephrase that lol.
  13. Tazzaxe Dedicated Player

    Hmm your killing the messenger here arent you? Atleast from where I'm sitting I've not been effected at all by this. Although I'm a supporter of this app. Do you wanna guess how many times I've used it? Or how many time I've looked up strangers that I've met in a pug?
  14. Plum Crazy Committed Player

    You think this little app is bad you should check into the apps other mmos have lol makes this app look pretty good
  15. Crimson Jonni New Player

    Well i was implying at level you know? I mean if two players, a dps and a support with the same gear and fully modded.
    Perhaps i should have clarified. But the gear difference is something understandable. Not trying to be judgemental at all
  16. Plum Crazy Committed Player

    Its not hard to out dps someone in troll mode now I do it all the time lol. As a troll you won't ever beat a dps with the same lvl gear as you but you will or should do decent damage as a troll anyway
  17. bareheiny 10000 Post Club

    Kick for abuse.
    Kick for general incompetence and failure to learn.
    Kick for being a right ******.

    Sadly there seems to be a Pradox mentality going around (or maybe it's been around for a while and I've only recently noticed. Essentially, in order to run Paradox, you must have run Paradox.

    A friend in a league I was in was a hardcore pugger - our league was small, and so he pugged everything. Nice guy in league, but not so nice whilst pugging. He developed a "kick or be kicked" view...essentially he began treating others as he was being treated.

    Obviously it bit him in the **** a few times when people he had kicked caught up to his level.

    Still....a pretty sad state of affairs if you ask me. Hell, even if you don't ask me.
  18. MetalMario Loyal Player

    He's wearing proof he's completed it at least once, so I don't know what the point in kicking him before even starting would be. Knowing what to do or how to play has always been much more important than stats/SP.
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