to be allaccess or not to be :p

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by xXxALLSTARxXx, Apr 30, 2014.

  1. xXxALLSTARxXx New Player

    I've been playing as a premium member with the Ultimate Edition pretty smoothly the cash cap hasn't bothered me too much minus the fact you miss out on alot of stuff, and now I am at point where I can afford to throw my extra hard earned money at Sony like a friday night special Stripper. But I'm still pretty reluctant at doing so. I'm on PC PVE btw I dont mind PVP but it really hasn't ever been my thing I don't mind taking part in it just not 24/7

    So to ask some already legendary status people is it really worth it?

    Also I wouldn't mind meeting some cool people to play with on hero side, I'm Ezra Lantern (female character but I'm a Male lol) Just hit level 30.
  2. Poo New Player

    I'd say it's worth it. I don't understand anyone that would play a game everyday and NOT have full access to all that it offers.
  3. Twilight Man New Player

    In regard to meeting cool new people.

    I'm happy to run anything with ya at any level. I'm looking for more chill people on PS myself.
    I don't get on mic unless it's an emergency though. Too many female players sending me PSN messages with phone numbers after hearing me speak. The struggle is real sometimes.
  4. xXxALLSTARxXx New Player

    yeah I agree but when I first started I didn't have that luxury. I'm still pretty new at this game though haven't really been able to invest large amounts of time in it aswell until now and like I said I JUST hit level 30 so all the CR is the new levels and stuff kinda confuses me lol thats why it would be nice to make more friends that knows the game and can teach me about it lol yeah I'm a noob at this lol
  5. Poo New Player

    All good man. I would suggest joining a League. I didn't join one till I was 1/2 way done with T4 content. I learned a lot from grouping up. There's soo much that the game itself doesn't explain at all (and getting solid info on here is spotty at best ;)).
  6. myselfdestruct New Player

    I need proof ;)