Time Traveler Gear drops?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Rebel230, Jul 2, 2015.

  1. Rebel230 Well-Known Player

    Hi, I am trying to get the time traveler chest. According to old information on the web, it drops from "Family Reunion." Which I have run 20 times with nothing.

    I saw a post on someone's web site that back in 2013 they added time traveler to paradox/ Nexus? Can anyone confirm this?

    And to the devs, why do you make it so hard to get some styles, its not right that I have to try to run old content that nobody wants to group for to get a style I like. It takes FORVER to get groups for Family Reunion on PC villain side.

    Anyway, if anyone can confirm where else I get this I would appreciate it. (beside rare style vendor, I like to get it from content)

    Thank you
  2. Veritech Loyal Player

    Pretty sure I've seen it drop from both FR and PW.
    Might be quicker to save 70 marks for the vendor though as RNG plots against you.
  3. oasenhoheit Loyal Player

    I drops only from FR, last boss, nowhere else right now.
    Each of the 8 pieces have a specific drop-location.

    Helmet - The Hunt
    Shoulders - #1 challenge
    Chest - FR last boss
    Back - BiA last boss
    Hands - PW
    Belt - PW
    Legs - Nexus last boss
    Feet - Nexus last boss

    I just remembered, that someone got the chest once a very long time ago from the Opressor, I think, in the side-tunnel. But that was very long time ago, so I don't know, if it can still drop there aswell.
  4. X-zero Loyal Player

    I have only seen the chest drop in Family before solo loot twice. Lost the roll on it though. If it is your last piece just run all your dailies for 3 days and buy to be done with it. If not your last style just keep trying to go there daily. If nothing else it drops some nice base items that you can use or sell.
  5. Rebel230 Well-Known Player

    I found this on someones league web site, so this is wrong, it does not drop in nexus or dox?

    re: Nexus/Paradox Loot change

    [IMG]by Jimmy Snow on Wed Oct 16, 2013 2:48 am

    Recently we announced that we increased the drop rates of several pieces of the Traces in Time gear set. We also decided to remove the level 86 and 87 gear drops from the bosses in Nexus and Paradox respectively. This means those bosses will now drop either Traces in Time, Time Traveler, or the level 87 or 88 weapons.

    The sub-boss level 85 drops will be removed form the loot table and replaced with the level 86 drops from the bosses. Any gear you already have will remain usable and unaffected by this change. The only thing that will be different is what NPC drops them in the future. All other loot on both sub-bosses and bosses remain the same: crafting, base items, etc.

    This first change to the Traces in Time and Time Traveler drops will happen this week (pending unforeseen circumstances). The second change to the loot tables will happen shortly after (as soon as Crafty Crafter has time to test it properly).

    We recognize the community's frustration with the risk/reward of the items from Origin Crisis, and this change should go a long way to addressing them while still retaining some sense of progression with the loot.

    In Summary:

    Lvl 85 gear - Vendor
    Lvl 86 gear - Sub Bosses
    Lvl 87 gear - Nexus Boss
    Lvl 88 gear - Paradox Wave Bosses
  6. SkullGang Devoted Player

    Family reunion and only there will it drop. To be honest you're wasting you're time trying to get it from there since its such a freaking low drop rate. I've ran it over 60 times and didn't get it.
  7. CrazyArtBrown Dedicated Player

    The drop rate on it is close to 1 out of every 50 runs. You could easily run that 100 times and still not see one. Chasing it in content at this point is a huge waste of time. The piece that drops in the Bizarro solo has the same problem.
  8. RoxyStormbringer Dedicated Player

    Time Traveler has a ridiculously low drop rate. I got most of mine from Family Reunion, Brothers in Arms, and Paradox Wave (doing EO every time gave me more stuff). I bought the head and shoulders after running each instance 50 times.
  9. Broken Soui Dedicated Player

    The drop rate is and always was crazy low. Run the instances knowing how low it is. Or save up 70 marks and buy it.