Time Capsule 15

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TheLorax, Jun 22, 2019.

  1. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    I wasn't too impressed with the Shazam! Time Capsule. The reactivate emblems were cool, I'm wearing the Enhanced Emotion on one outfit. The Winged Feet of Hermes and Crown of Solomon are my favorite things to wear now.

    I'm ready for TC15.
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  2. Dark Soldier Dedicated Player

    I do look forward to the styles out tc i still need a military backpack w riffles on the sides...tc are my best bet
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  3. Batrederik Dedicated Player

    I'm ready
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  4. Gmoney Active Player

    Yes can’t wait because this booster sucks!!
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  5. Caesar's Lion Dedicated Player

    La tristesse durera, scream to a sigh
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  6. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    All People complaining About TC for 2years straight…
    now: im ready for next Tc / cant wait *_*

    im seriously questioning the Point of life right now… lol
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  7. Draconiano Committed Player

    They made us addicted, damn.
    I guess most people hate TC, but love the styles in it, usually the best styles are there.
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  8. tukuan Devoted Player

    Winged feat really fit my toon so I was quite happy with them as well as the Cloak of Eternity for an alt.

    That said it's time for the next one. I stopped opening when the only thing left was Billy's Backpack and I'm up to 13 stabilizers which is an all time high for me. I had thought that after last weekend's bonus they'd get announced this week but I guess the Summer event superseded that.

    My next thought is that the new capsule might get dropped with the next update, which by my reckoning will likely be next week.
  9. tukuan Devoted Player

    Same, I get why people feel resentment because feats are attached to them but quite honestly other than the rare collection they are quite completable without dropping any extra money.
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  10. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    It's not that they are addicting. It is the price point and the accessibility.
    Any player within the game can earn TC's. And..........,
    $ 1.00 items that are not misleading in their advertising are a lot easier to sell than
    $10.00 items that say they are selling you $10.00 worth of junk items with a BONUS (;)wink, ;)wink) RNG aura.

    It all boils down to the customers price point and being honest with those customers from the get go.
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  11. Caesar's Lion Dedicated Player

    I don't believe it's the price point, because I believe most people buy 20 at a time.

    I think it's entirely due to the feats.

    Speaking as someone who has purchased aura pack 1, aura pack 2, the material pack, the Batman cowl, spent $500 commissioning someone connected to the game to make a portrait of my toons, & buying SP on various alts, I do not have a problem putting money into the game.

    However, when it comes to feats in TC's & artifacts, I am opposed.

    All this 'its not P2W because it offers negligible competitive advantage' is nonsense. Artifacts offer a huge competitive advantage. SP & feat chasing is the main driving force & distinction between end game players. Competitive players don't chase CR, they chase SP. DBG know this & this is why the refuse to budge on removing feats from TC's.

    I do not believe I should have an advantage over another player who has ground their **** off simply because I can afford to.
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  12. Merlin2574 Well-Known Player

    I want that mega one that we had last year, that came with a bunch of opened TC's, that also had materials in them.
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  13. Kuno Loyal Player

    Still waiting for some ninja, oriental inspired items, specially dual katanas for back.
    We still have too techy styles, we even got ARGUS armor in a magic inspired ep like JLD.
    I mean there's like 2 Deathstroke inspired styles (pvp and New 52 prom box) and none of them included the dual katanas. Something was off with whoever artist was responsible for those styles.
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  14. recoil2 Dedicated Player

    since i typically only open these for the styles it's usually only frustrating in something like the arcane capsules (i'm still waiting for resurgence to roll around for the wings of sin) where the style i'm after is locked behind RNG. that being said i haven't modified my style for the past two capsules/episodes and last modified it towards the end of the valentine's event. hopefully we'll get something interesting (and not water themed) this time around.
  15. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    It is the price point.
    For $20.00 or 20 TC's. Every player has a chance to get something.
    Every players from the Free player to the Subscribing whale.

    Booster bundles are $10.00 for one chance to get something that you are wanting and you have to spend $10.00.

    $10.00 for 1 chance
    $20 for 20 chances

    There is a reason why there are so many penny slots in Vegas and why Walmart has been unstoppable for years.

    Finding the right price is everything in sales when you are trying to get as many people to buy things as possible.

    One thing that you have to remember in sales.
    Whales are going to spend money regardless.
    What some people would call Crumb Snatchers.....
    Those are the ones that you are trying to get to buy more things. Why???
    Crumb Snatchers outnumber the Whales around 85 to 1.

    It is easier to get someone to spend $20.00 one dollar at a time than all at once for one or two chances.

    Yes feats in TC's and artifacts suck. They should not be in there but they are.
    At least anyone can do the TC's & artifacts without spending any cash.

    Booster Bundles. You have to spend real cash and the deal is really not very good considering the aura is SUPPOSE ;) to be FREE................ When DCUO makes the Booster Bundles with the auras as good of a deal as the other Booster Bundles in the MP then I will buy one but not until then.

    I can proudly say that I have never bought the BB's with auras and I have been playing since 2011.
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  16. Caesar's Lion Dedicated Player

    Well Knarly, we can respectfully disagree on this 1, & that's cool.

    Although I'm right as who really wants a Commander's Harpoon Hand :)

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  17. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    Yes it sucks but that is real life. There is no getting around that anywhere.
    I learned a lesson and a saying a long time ago.
    Money talks and BS walks.

    A prime example of this would be.

    If you find yourself in jail for something that you did not do.
    You can do all the talking and explaining that you think needs to happen but....
    You better pony up the cash for a real lawyer because the public defender will do nothing for you.
    Except talk you into some BS plea and sit next to you while you are found guilty.

    Money talks and always will.
    We just need to accept that for what it is.

    Don't get me wrong.
    It still feels good when you can teach Mr Money Bags a lesson though.
    That's something that I live for. xD
    Especially in a game.
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  18. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    Arrrrrr MATEY!!!!!! LOL
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  19. recoil2 Dedicated Player

    "arrgh call me ishmael!!!".
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  20. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    That reminds me.......................



    [IMG] xD
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