Those last two Aerial Movement feats...

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by TrueArchon, Mar 16, 2015.

  1. TrueArchon Dedicated Player

    ...without any points in a movement mode...
    From the first time my eyes reads those words, so long ago...and on to this very day...

    I still have not been able to complete the races like that.
    Can someone please explain just how the hell it can be done WITHOUT hacking/cheating/glitching?
  2. Master Play Committed Player

    There are numerous videos on youtube showing techniques how it is done legit.
  3. L T Devoted Player

    For the expert race, most people like the gotham university race. Get a friend to attack the adds that can spawn near the beginning of it and it becomes really easy. I think the dev team took into account the fact that you get attacked when setting the limits of the race, because I've been able to platinum it even without help.

    For the adept one there's a few choices. I like the one in metropolis near the hospital and the park, or the one in little bohemia.

    It's very possible to get the feats in Flight or Skimming-- you just have to get used to the courses. I've never gotten these feats with Acro or Super Speed. Not even close.

    Good luck!
  4. Here2Help Devoted Player

    Flight/skimming is actually much easier than acrobatics or super speed for the feat. Watch a video on Youtube, and practice it a bit. You'll get it in no time if you keep on trying ;)
  5. BleepingPC Active Player

    I wish it was as easy as u guys make it sound. I've been trying daily the last 3 weeks & can't get it
  6. jamesbopp43 Committed Player

    I agree with LT. I am not that good at races, in my after grinding through all of the races (months back), I knew not to even bother with these feats as I couldn't platinum with a movement mode for most of them. (So I was very much in your same situation)

    But I recently got back into feat grinding and figured I'd try it. I looked up online and saw the Gotham University and the Metropolis Hospital were the ones to attempt as they are considered easier.

    It took me a few tries, but nowhere near as many as I thought it would (less than 10 attempts each, I'd guess). I kept getting close with the Gotham University but the adds kept hitting me (which is early in the race) on one attempt I killed them and everyone near there. Then I immediately reset the race. I wasn't attacked on my next attempt, and I was able to get the feat.
  7. TawneeStone New Player

    Wanna say the Adept in Little Bohemia was easiest for me. Cant remember where I did the expert race. Ive done both numerous times for alts and always used the same races. They just seemed easier for me.
  8. L T Devoted Player

    It's not easy. Until you get used to it, and then suddenly it pretty much is. Something clicks, I guess. I strained over and over on some of the races -- "What do you mean I missed it by two-tenths of a second!?!?!?!"

    All I can say is keep trying. On the brighter side, I've always found flight and skimming much easier than acrobatics or super speed.
  9. Ghostof91 New Player

    I would love more race feats.
  10. Empaladin Well-Known Player

    I detest the super-speed races so much...