Things that aren't account bound, but should be.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Vella, Mar 3, 2021.

  1. Random Mind Dedicated Player

    The Boo-Tility Belt......

    I have gone through two Halloween seasonals and my main has missed out on the Boo-Tility Belt but I have Alts that have gotten 3 of them.
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  2. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Building on that, any seasonal drop style even. I've got a toon that can't complete the leprechaun style feat because he can't get the stupid hat...although on alts I've had it seemingly 1000 times. (ok...probably not 1000). Or seasonal styles should be unlockable on alts. Summer seasonal has the diving suit helm too...Not sure if there are others.

    Oh well, another chance soon enough as St Patty's should roll around in a week or 2.
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  3. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    100% agree. People are less likely to invest time, energy or money into artifacts because they can only use them on their single character. They're more likely to invest in them if they have a wider use.

    Artifacts should become account bound when they hit 200. Considering the amount of money spent to achieve this, the Devs should be making as much effort as possible for players to use them any way they want; including being able to trade them to alts if they choose to.
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  4. Jaelia Committed Player

    Lmao seriously.
  5. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    Maybe, but leveling alts is already super-quick with gear dropping at every turn. How much faster does it need to be?

    Some is.

    Just unlock with replay badges.
  6. FlexVibrant Well-Known Player

    Artifacts is #1, #2 and continue

    With the time and grind we put into it, this would give players a reason to go on their alts. It's not even cheap btw, we spent money and time on it. It's cheap to me we can't share them on our ACCOUNT. We deserve more freedom in this game.
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