ThePunchLine Recruiting

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by nick singleton, Feb 5, 2014.

  1. nick singleton New Player

    Im trying to get league members that are trying to learn about how to play DC Universe Online and want to become strong and an active player on USPS Villain from T4-T5. Also people that can and will help eachother meaning if you see someone in league chat that needs help atleast say something will be much appreciated of you after helping them guaranteed.On another note most of the people that are in the league already are cool as hell just saying (we are mostly A**holes so please be able to take a joke please). And If you do join the league i encourage you to get a mic as soon as possible it will help alot.

    So If Interested contact the following on USPS villain LokiLordXD, Pandora Demon, or DarthHarsh or hit up my two Alts YaBoySmart and SchoolBoyT.Also maybe hit up Terra Latus well Pandora Demon's Alt. Also hit me up on this thread