The whole server just lagged out

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Sarcasm, Jun 12, 2016.

  1. Sarcasm Committed Player

    Lol was in DWF then darkseis just started walking through the wall and then boom world ends Lol. You gotta love DCUO
  2. The Jelly Bean Dedicated Player

    Crashed the world has, fear not we must, fix the devs will.
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  3. light FX Steadfast Player

    Yea i was in darkseid duo and lagged then kicked from the game. When logging back on i was 600 in the queue and the legendary queue was longer then premium and f2p. Also my 4 league mates who were on are not logged on either right now. Wth is up with this game? Why is there ALWAYS a problem? For me im at my threshold of bs. This stuff needs to stop and get fixed yesterday.
  4. Solarverse Committed Player

    I thought it was just me, was just about to start Throne of the Dead, it bugged out...we were trying to get people to warp to rally, had one guy left who was being stubborn...then BAM! World ends.
  5. it_was_Friday Dedicated Player

    Have we heard anything about the Koreans lately?

    I need the East Asian Bureau Chief to report in.
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  6. Sarcasm Committed Player

    Fight through the pain
  7. metalfenix Committed Player

    I was near the last boss of the Return to nexus alert on my I lost 3 marks there, because people rarely queue on villian side.