The Unicorn Agenda - Update

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Zicorahk, Feb 28, 2014.

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  1. Trexlight Devoted Player

    Stop...just leave, just honestly leave. Do you know how much information you have wrong with your post? Lets see if I can help ya out.

    1. Susan is a famous Voice Actress most known for her role as the voice of Wonder Woman (which is now in game and GREAT to hear again).

    2. She in fact does read comic books and your comment is so blatantly sexist and RUDE! Girls read comics too jerk.

    3. She is also a gamer as I have seen her talk about a few here and there. Once again, an assumption that you look like a complete..yeah, that.

    4. SHE IS NOT THE CREATIVE DIRECTOR! That would be Jens Anderson aka Spytle and yes, he does read comics.

    Your whole post is full of wrong..just said, sexist wrong.
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  2. LL New Player

    Get to work on Krypto in legends. :)
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  3. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    I hope you guys have this unicorn party in the pvp phase because i plan on getting a group together in full pvp gear with buses and cars to rain on your pony party.
  4. Trexlight Devoted Player

    Must suck to be wrong huh? No member on the council came up with this idea, it came from other DCUO players that are NOT on the council.

    You folks sound like FOX News, reporting wrong information without getting your facts straight. tsk tsk.

    and I reiterate, this is a little trinket that we dont even know what its going do. Mepps has already stated that not much time is being put on it. If you dont want it then destroy it.
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  5. Forsberg New Player

    And so begins the "cutesy" stage of DCUO.

    Bring Penguins and Kittens and Pandas next! AND I WANT A PUPPY THAT FOLLOWS ME!
  6. Trexlight Devoted Player

    Oh I know I wish for it but Jens has stated before (especially when players brought up Dex-Starr Legends) that they would have to go through a whole new animation for it that they cant do at this time or something. Maybe down the road *crosses fingers*
  7. LL New Player

    oh I know it's prob an issue, but I want hope. :)
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  8. Kristyana New Player

    You are misinformed as to what the Council is.

    In reality, all it is is just a focus group. People think the council is this grand over-arching team that work hand in hand with the developers and are "representatives" for DCUO. That's not what a player council is, regardless of the game involved.

    We aren't representatives. We're a cross section. There's a very large difference in those two things.
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  9. Kristyana New Player

    I thought you said you were leaving DCUO if they put in the unicorn trinket?

    WHICH IS IT :eek:

    The devs will probably spend less time developing the trinket than you have complaining about it
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  10. LL New Player

    lol this offends u this much?

    How is this trinket any diff then most of the trinkets? I mean why is my char using boos, and pumpkins?

    What is the point of the dancing thing, or changing into a Toyman image. I mean do u get offended if someone shoots off fireworks, or shows a bouncy ball, or cake?

    It's just a fun thing to do. I would think it will drop in a seasonal anyway, even if it doesn't what is the harm?
  11. Chungweishan New Player

    Pengbot. Panda Backpack. Find a friendly Nature character. No kittens though.
    There's a council?
  12. Kristyana New Player

    You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.
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  13. Grid Ion Committed Player

    You have my support :)
  14. Mr.Me New Player

    I have no personal feelings one way or the other about the trinket it self be it unicorn, star fish, laser shark, leprechaun, wendigo, or Bubo tbh its just one more thing I will put in storage and maybe use 2-3 times before the novelty wears off. The part that bothers me is that it seems no one on the council mentioned the fact that not everyone wants unicorns, and if you absolutely must create them then perhaps you could make at least one alternative for everyone else.

    I don't have anything cross wired, I was stating my prospective, and I'm not looking to get you to break your NDA. Simply saying that hte next time around maybe you guys could consider everyone, and suggest a few options, you for the "Community."

    I'd also like to point out that "Fun," implies the item is useful, and get will used, in reality how many people are going to have unicorn taking up a utility belt slot in place of useful stuff, while their doing anything other than standing around, or running low content? Also your basically telling me to "suck it and delete the trinket if I don't like it," in a slightly more polite manor, and that you joined the "Unicorn Agenda," while claiming to represent the "Community." Very Impartial... you guys are literally pushing your own agenda threw and saying the rest of us don't matter, and its even named "The Unicorn Agenda." Way to represent, only the side you prefer that is...
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  15. Mr.Me New Player

    That's kind of the point in a cross section there should be diversity, but more and more it seems that its not really a cross section so much as a core sample of one section. The game continually trends in ways that lead to players being divide and upset, which is normal but not in the volume you find here. Hard for me to believe that in a rich diverse cross section so many people could go unrepresented so frequently, unless the majority cross section tends to agree, in which case how cross is it?

    My only point was you guys could do a little more to keep those of us in the minority in mind when these things go down, believe it or not we care and support this game too, even the ones that don't like unicorns.
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  16. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    There's already cat animations in the game from the Halloween seasonal so it wouldn't take any time to make it even less then a unicorn trinket would.
  17. LL New Player

    I want a legend krypto, not a trinket or the cat in Halloween. :)
  18. LL New Player

    It is great u brought up starfish. Can we please get the epic JLA villian Starro? As this is a very important villian I think we need this to happen.

    Plus I like starfish. :)
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  19. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    Perhaps you should have a talk with some of your council members who have YouTube channels and podcast because they have said in the past that they are representatives for the community on the council .
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  20. Mr.Me New Player

    Shuuush you! I'm still replying to you in the arrow spoiler thread. Just you wait this thing is going to be like 9 para graphs long, watch! I'm hoping you get bored half way threw reading it, give up, and start liking the show! ;)
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