The Turret Feats suggestion:

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Jacob Dragonhunter, May 22, 2017.

  1. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    Well Basically this thread is as simple as it is, I'm aware PVP isn't going to be fixed; but I'd figure a suggestion like this couldn't hurt anything.

    So Over the time I've done Arenas and Legends; there's one feat series I have yet to complete and that's Breaking the Turrets.

    And even then I don't like the way it's done. No offense; but you have to rely sheerly on your Opponent to activate those turrets and that's if they feel like it.

    So I was suggesting why not have the turrets automatically awakened when You/Your Opponent is has already captured the bat-computer? That would at least for me, seem like a Quality of Life improvement towards this feat.

    Let me know if this idea is good/bad or reasons why you may want or not want it to happen below.
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  2. sepiaskidmark Committed Player

    You can always try to match up against a friend. I know people frown on this but it's almost needed to get this feat
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