The Seventh Sanctum

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by Xavier55, May 12, 2016.

  1. Xavier55 New Player

    Hello all the Seventh Sanctum is looking for members to join we are Villains, for the Xbox one. We are looking for members that are 18 and older. Due to adult talk. For now we are doing pve cause we are low lvls and also looking for members to get our pvp section started. We are only prestige 68 but trying hard to get our hall right way. The first 5 members if u want will be our main officers as we will be the first 7 members. I play most of the time but I am on everyday. Help build this league so we can take over the world. Lmao. Add me my villain name is Xenoshade and my brother is Black Victoria. Hope to hear from ya. We need solid members to get this league on the right track. Have any questions just ask away.
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  2. Agent Flores Committed Player

    feel free to contact me and my bro if you are interested to join in.
  3. PoseidonEvil New Player

    Are you guys US or EU?
  4. Agent Flores Committed Player

    We are US.
  5. RIDDICULOUS New Player

    Send my villian an invite. Only lvl 14 thou. D3ATHL0RD with a zero