The Rifle / Shotgun Icon

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Highplains Sailor, Jun 23, 2018.

  1. Highplains Sailor Well-Known Player

    My villain uses a bow and a rifle, and I wonder why when I'm given a choice between which weapon to upgrade, the icon for the rifle looks like a crossbow? The weapon description tells you its a rifle, but I'm just curious as to why the icon doesn't look like a rifle / shotgun.
  2. Crimson Mayhem Loyal Player

    It's a rifle with a crossbow style.
  3. Highplains Sailor Well-Known Player

    Yes, but the rifle your character actually uses doesn't look like that. It looks like a rifle. To me, if it looks like a crossbow, it's a bow. Not a rifle. In the days of knights and shining armor a crossbow was that era's 'rifle' in that it shot straight vice using a more ballistic trajectory. But this is not a 'swords and sorcery' game. A rifle icon should look like a rifle, not a hybrid rifle / crossbow. Just my opinion.
  4. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    A tad off topic but I wish the devs had a working knowledge of firearms when developing this game. Fully automatic pistols do not exist. Mac-10's and the like aren't considered handguns. The rate of fire of Rifle is more on par with that of a handgun and vice versa. It's this lack of knowledge that nearly made the Pump Action Shotgun for Munitions to be called Semi-Automatic Shotgun had I not corrected them during the simulcast introducing Munitions.
  5. Crimson Mayhem Loyal Player

    Are you complaining about the realism of weapons in a super hero video game where we can pull weapons out of thin air, have infinite ammo, and access to far-future tech like exobytes that may as well be magic? Yes you are.

    Besides, if full auto pistols trigger you then you're free to use an UZI or similar style, which happen to be considered pistols in this game.
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  6. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    Which essentially proves my point of the devs lack of knowledge of firearms.
  7. Crimson Mayhem Loyal Player

    Or maybe they don't care because it's a game and not a reality simulator. I'm sure the game would be much better if every gun ever created was its own weapon type.
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  8. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    The guns in this game use enormous poetic license to fit them into the game’s mechanics properly. I would love to take my gadgets characters’ sniper rifles and snipe Doomsday from the top of a large building but sadly that’s not how this game works :D