The real reason artifact swapping hasn't been stopped

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by appocolyps, Dec 21, 2023.

  1. Emoney Dedicated Player

    Man, here you are again rehashing an argument about an artifact you claimed you never used, later changed to you hardly ever used...

    But the way you refer to it here sure seems like you used it all the time lol.

    People still use the artifact. It's not destroyed, or nerfed into the ground, it has its place. It should have never gotten to the point it was, allowing players to have unlimited supercharge. It was straight cheese, just like extreme swapping that stacks effects, procs functions more than intended, and bypasses the stack drops that are intended for balance.
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  2. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    For artifact swapping my only issue is the effect remains once the artifact is removed I don’t care if people want to swap … I know there is examples of henchmen and trinkets being removed.. but to me if that also is fixed go where if you remove them the effect ends i wouldn’t be opposed to it.

    That said

    And I know this won’t be a popular opinion cause a lot of people are against adding another artifact slot … but I always thought the dead king scepter and whatever the supply drop artifact is called … should have been slotted in your utility belt similar to how the bottled city soder is slotted in the soder slot. To me that made more sense then making it a straight up artifact … I’m guessing if they did that tho they’d have to remove the stat boosts from it as well…. And the chances of this ever happening is zero, but yeah I think those should have always been a utility belt artifact …
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  3. Proxystar #Perception

    Someone needs some Christmas cake.
  4. Proxystar #Perception

    For what its worth I actually like your idea of having artifact supply drops and orbital strikes, that would've been cool.
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  5. appocolyps Committed Player

    Thank you for all of your hard work, i appreciate your response and will take it with sincerity that you will adjust and balance artifacts appropriately regardless of the increasingly heavy financial value they now hold.

    Have a wonderful Christmas, rest and come back to smash this next year out of the park.
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  6. KiraDanvers Well-Known Player

    Yeah.....when you guys are charging over $80 per Wolf Pack Artifact, on top of all the money you expect us to pump into leveling up artifacts to begin with, I call BS on that statement.

    This is purely about money. Nothing else.

    Otherwise you'd be giving these things out as part of Doctor Fate's Daily Rewards, or charging us a lot less for them, like $10 each. You know people are going to to be pumping money into this. You know there are people who will want to swap round like 6 artifacts between characters. You're expecting those people to fork out over $500? Give me a break. This is yet more greed from a dying game that's run out of ideas.
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  7. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    By calling them "delusional claims", you are going against your own words that artifact swapping in itself is profitable for the company. Is it really that much of a stretch that by including the wolf pack token furthers this? Perhaps not the "reason" it won't be removed, but sure adds fuel to the milking fire.

    Edit: For the record, I am one of the ones who quite literally suggested an "artifact token" of sorts from the get-go, because it's better than nothing.

    I'm pretty sure you dismissed it as a "bad idea" as well :p
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  8. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    It ain't the developers, it's the higher-ups :p
    Anyway, I thought everyone kept saying EoG was still good? I could have swarn there were numerous arguments defending the change because the artifact still works great solo? I guess I missed something... Guess that sucks for my sorcery toon that has it if I ever bother again :(
  9. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Never say zero, simply because This Post still exists:
  10. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    My exact statement was that any kind of system that would be made allow this would be that they would charge for such a system or else they wouldn’t do it as it would cut into profits. And how about that. I was right.

    As for your first statement. How does that go again what I said? He claimed they wouldn’t make such changes because the wolf art was “proof that they would never do such a thing and would just milk the arts”. This is a delusional claim with absolutely no reasoning or proof. Obviously art swapping and arts in general are profitable (even thou there are literal ways to not spend money). That does not change the fact that they have made changes to arts that players have spend money on. That doesn’t change facts that they stated publicly they would make further changes when deemed appropriate. His claims were in fact delusional.
  11. DarkLegend909 New Player

    I just have one question, how does the wolf pack affects the double art xp? Will they stop giving us a double week?
  12. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    It doesn't. You can't feed a wolfpack artifact into another artifact.
  13. VIRALITY Dedicated Player

    Basically, if you wolfpack an artifact, you can no longer feed that particular artifact into another artifact (on that same toon). However, with regards to double XP - if you do claim an already created wolfpack art on an alt toon, all of the toons that you've already leveled an artifact (non-wolfpack) will now have that artifact that should/could be fed into a different artifact when/if double art XP comes back around. Nobody knows if double XP is coming back, but if I were Daybreak I would still do those..there's still incentive for them to have double art XP weeks because 1) not everyone has 200 level arts yet and are still holding out for a double XP, and 2) anybody who does a wolfpack will have arts sitting around waiting to be fed into another toon.
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  14. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Never denied that. It's obvious whilst asking for a "token" of sorts that it would be sold in market (that was even mentioned in my suggestion for it).
    You were afraid they would in turn "make up" for the loss of revenue by monetizing other ways. So far, that didn't happen.

    As for the claims, I think we are talking about different ones (as there were multiple claims, some made more sense than others). I wasn't talking about the nerfing or fixing of arts or what not, I was merely referring to the blatant money grabs and monetization efforts.

    Basically, I knew what he was getting at when he claimed Art Swapping won't be removed especially because of wolf pack token. The tin foil claim that it's primarily the reason can easily be seen as delusional, but the sheer fact that both methods rake in money makes it not the biggest stretch as they compliment each other quite well.

    TL;DR- Art Swapping specifically not removed because of Token = Can be seen as delusional

    Art Swapping and Token possibly going hand in hand to rake in money= hopefully understandable from a business standpoint and not as much "delusional".

    I'm not against either, anyway (my stance on art swapping was literally for removal of lasting effects after removal of said artifact). Just saying I get where the idea could have manifested from.
  15. Aiden_Warren Well-Known Player

    Really just really hypocritical I can say, I just don't know.
    Do anything to get top damage, don't pay attention to certain mechanics and let's the group wipe, too busy mashing buttons for top damage.
    Having to tell DPS the instructions in group chat they totally ignore and but don't like art swapping.
    It seems more so that players that are out paid to max out arts faster with the perfected XP and Catalysts packs and seal of completion
    Dps often complains on what they are out DPS by.
    If people feel art swapping is cheating, well we are not so innocent ourselves, at most things in our lives.
    We are playing the game complaining about how devs don't do well with it, that there is exploiting ourselves in how we treat ourselves over a game and not doing more in life.
    Is Batman not a cheater to use kryptonite on Superman in fights? Should be put in prison for it?
    If we playing the game and complaining about it and how the devs just don't do well. Then it's us that's the problem, as easy as it is to not go out much and completely neglect many opportunities in life then it should be easy to not play dcuo and neglect the game, to neglect reality and complaining about something that's not reality.

    Anyways, many players spent lots of money on the artifacts and why not give 1 Wolfpack token for free.
    And maybe something that can probably make more money than Wolfpack token is double nth metal XP fortify for an hour for 500 Marketplace cash.
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  16. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Again, I stated multiple times that if they were to add in a system like this they would make it in such a way that would be through a monetary means. Which I was correct. The claims of “you said if they added this they would they would monetize other areas” was for the request of just making arts straight up account bound. Which in fact did not happen. Those claims were bad as it would have led to loss of profit due to arts being a key portion of profits for the game. So again. I was right.
  17. CrYsiS44 Well-Known Player

    I think what this all comes down too, is a feeling of unfairness.

    You have older players who’ve invested thousands upon thousands on this game. Both IRL money, and in time. Many have grievances now with the direction this game has moved (and continues to move in) they feel the increasing pressure financially to stay relevant (most times across many toons)

    players spend years grinding out sp, only for it to be made almost redundant by art swapping (anyone disagreeing that art swapping gives huge advantages, you’re a clown!) And even if not swapping… someone can drop a good few hundred in one day (their very first day playing) max out everything, as far as arts/augs/allies, they can skip CR and have however many sp that gives, and maxed everything else. They can literally go from a brand spanking new player; pick up a few rotations on YT, (with little to no knowledge of the game) and out dps someone who had 360-500sp (maybe a casual player with high sp) whose arts etc aren’t as good, whose power doesn’t hit as hard. And even though this is just hypothetical scenario; it can and does happen. (And it should NEVER be allowed!! That level of p2w)

    Players are now forced (and yes, we know no-one is “forced”) to either watch their invested time and money fade into irrelevancey. Or… to continue to pump money into a game where they CONSTANTLY move the goalposts, as far as nerfing/metas/new items etc.

    In essence: players are forced to “adapt” as expeditiously as possible, or face being left behind. And you aren’t “adapting” to new players joining and becoming more skillful. Or “adapting” to changing mechanics etc; You’re now “adapting” to how willing you are to invest larger requests for money. This is evident in how much is being asked for now, in larger payments. TC’s that have “added bonuses” for spending huge sums. This new Wolfpack token. Booster gold, and the outrageous prices for some styles and materials. Absolutely disgusting prices!!
    “Adapting” to players who spend almost literally 24/7 on the game, and spend all their benefits/social security money on it, and have 20+ max arts to swap. Players who berate and chastise other players for not having x or y, or for not playing a certain way. THIS IS A GAME!! Players who also got to keep MANY arts maxed during an exploit several years ago.

    Player loyalty has been rewarded with a vey clear “if you don’t wanna spend anymore “and support” gfys! Players who’ve played for years, and helped keep the game alive, are being held to random almost. acquiesce or leave! We don’t care! They know most won’t leave because the addiction has seeped in too deeply! and they just can’t let go of their investment.

    That addiction is now being aggressively preyed upon! And as more leave upon realising this - it’ll get worse, as they try and recuperate the lost players income. The remaining will pay higher to make up for it. (I absolutely guarantee that many continually consider leaving this game forever - but can’t bring themselves to give up their investment) and the worst part is! Many know how this ends. And they see the numbers dropping bit by bit! They see the monetisation not even attempting to be hidden any longer. They see the monetisation has never been more aggressive (companies only try and milk more when they’re dying! a last ditch effort to get as much as possible before closing the doors). And imo! I don’t recall ever seeing so many “WTS account” on LFG etc on all my years.
    People see that this isn’t gonna stop! and they’re angry af about it. All the work and effort they’ve put in has been cheapened down to “whoever pays the most, now wins” (or benefits the most) and for those who complain about it, they’re shouted down! Mostly on this forum. By what is only a few fanatics, who seem to be allowed to get away with a type of group bullying, because it’s in defence of the devs and their policies and agenda’s.

    Monetisation is now at the forefront of every aspect of the game RE: what is released, what gets fixed, what stays relevant. It’ll continue to get worse! And regardless of what a company employee says. Absolutely art swapping is a form of exploiting. Because it brings in money, it’s deemed not to be. (Monetised game doesn’t see money-making exploit as an exploit) who’d have thunk it?

    Bottom line is: this game has now went from a game that you popped on to, and had a bit of a laugh down the mic, accomplished some feats and felt like you actually achieved something; to a game that you have to pay to stay relevant on. You Stay relevant on a game that is very much in decline, and yet… still manages to be toxic af! Both in-game, and in its SM arenas. And people try and complain about the monetisation aspect, and lessening quality and quantity of content released, along with players exploiting/cheating/hypocritical players, only to be shouted down by their fellow “community members” in my experience! The people who tend to get upset about stuff frequently, or intensely, tend to be the people who’ve invested a LOT into it. And feel cheated.

    This just won’t stop anymore until the game stops. Art swapping is already being portrayed as a “skill” instead of what it is. An exploit! The main goal is to have to buy more and more arts for alts, because they know you’ll not have max arts without max augs and allies. So you’ll spend on that too. And the loop will go in until legislation is passed on gaming and gambling, or… that players simply can’t or won’t fall for it anymore.

    I think I’m at the latter now tbh! I don’t even enjoy it anymore. I do it because it’s now a job that I’ve grown to hate! And I hate that I feel forced to spend big to stay relevant. I hate that I worked my *** off putting in the time and money, only for newer layers to benefit and be given “cheaper deals and discounts” because any money is better than none. I’ve become resentful of the game! And for the life of me… I’ve truly no idea why I even log in now. I seem more content to play alone now (where I can) but can’t even do that to any degree of satisfaction. Because the devs insist on keeping all players locked into EG to make it fair and relevant for the 13 new players that join every year after Xmas, after they get new consoles, stay for 2 weeks, then are never seen again.
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  18. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    I had to stop reading half way due to the level of irrationality.

    Money does not buy skill. A new player who just started (even a week) and maxed out arts, allies, augs, (and any feat that they can buy using money, IE style feats using bought SMs, TCs, etc) and then got a YouTube loadout will not out dps a player who is actually skilled even with less arts/allies/sp. this is a very ridiculous statement. Stats only amplify a players abilities and skills. Nothing more nothing less. This whole “they only beat me cause of x, y, or x” is just ridiculous.

    And so what if they spend money to get all those things maxed? If someone is spending money they don’t have on a game then that is a personal issue. But saying “player spending their “benefits/social security money” on the game is very idiotic and insulting. Some people have these things called careers where they gain money to spend. If they have money to spend who cares if they spend it on a game? Why does it matter to you? You act as if they are gaining an advantage over you. They aren’t. They are gaining the ability to reach the exact same endpoint that you can reach if you choose to not spend money.

    I barely spend on the game. I spend on things I like and don’t spend on things I do not. I don’t like TCs so I don’t spend on them at all. I like the membership benefits so I spend on that. I don’t like the monetization of arts/allies so I don’t spend on them. I do like the accessories and emotes that are added directly in the MP so I spent on them. I’ll let you in on a little secret on how business works. If they see clients spending on certain services they will continue to do said services. If they don’t make money on them then they do not continue to offer said services. I invest in things I like since that’s what I want them to continue to offer. And I do not spend on things I do not like. I’ve not yet been forced into spending into anything I do not like/want.

    For someone who doesn’t spend I sure do not feel any pressure into “staying relevant”. I actually practice and try to improve my actual skills in the game.
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  19. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    That's not what he is saying..... but no one ever accused you of getting the point.

    And the game doesn't rely on people like you to play the game....


    You not feeling the pressure/drive to spend money to feel/be "maxed" out.... doesn't mean that other people don't.

    Or that the game isn't designed towards making people feel that way.

    You could be the one blind person standing outside the movie theater:

    And, not for nothing...
    What you lack in spending... You probably make up for in game-play time.
    The way you see people spending money as foolish (or whatever word you choose)... They might look at the hours that you play the game as even more so.

    Edit (I know you love these - 7 minutes, btw,,, I know you count the time)
    OR.. To put another way:
    They might see the time that it would take to get the cash equivalent of whatever purchase they could make as a far greater waste of their recourses....
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  20. CrYsiS44 Well-Known Player

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