The real problem behind DCUO

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Lt Skymaster, Sep 9, 2015.

  1. Trexlight Devoted Player

    Yep, i believe it's being looked at. I think its suppose to work like the PVP Vendor gear is where you cant see the Gear until you hit a certain CR but it looks like it borked or something. Hopefully we'll see it get fixed soon
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  2. Lt Skymaster Dedicated Player

    I definitely get what you're saying, but what I was saying it's a lot of the decisions made by the devs, have been highly influenced by the devs. Which is part of why I say we have fault in this too.
  3. Mr. Awesome Well-Known Player

    A good amount of them are player influenced. But imo, not in the ways that matter.
    • People think content is easier because of casual players. I counter that and say that content is easier because easy/fast content has increased replay badge value.
    • People say that powers aren't balanced because of the players need to scoreboard chase. I counter that by saying that powers aren't balanced because the devs for 4+ years refused to tell players the proper way to test powers.
    • People say The marketplaces is bad because players aren't buying cosmetics. I counter that and say that the cosmetics are overpriced and not worth buying
    • People say premium access is bad because legendary players would quit if they got more benefits. I counter that and say premium access is bad because the devs don't know how to make multiple avenues of revenue. Instead of creating a plethora of revenue options the devs are content with Replay badges and Subscriptions as their only truly viable source of income

    Most of the idea's we do highly influence are given a sadistic twist by the developers to make it not consumer friendly. Don't blame anything on the players. The worst updates of this games history were dev driven. That is not a coincidence, that is a pattern. I'm not really into self-loathing. I am into self-reflection. I have reflected. All of the major issues of this game is most certainly the devs fault. Not players.

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