The Players Behind The Game

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by Magnificent, Feb 15, 2013.

  1. Coulromaniac Dedicated Player

    I'm 23 going on 24.
    Is it old age?
  2. montazumas revenge Devoted Player

    Almost 2 1/2 decades, yes
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  3. Malachyte Devoted Player

    You never heard term "He was beating like a red headed step child" ??
    damn, am I that old....LOL
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  4. montazumas revenge Devoted Player

    Have heard it
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  5. Coulromaniac Dedicated Player

    I've heard it,
    just never understood it.

    I swear, red hair is even rarer than blonde hair...
    I mean, blonde is common, but plenty are fake...

    I used to have pretty golden blonde hair,
    but it turned dirty blonde, and sometimes it's platinum...
    I don't know, maybe it's the light that makes people see it differently,
    but it sure as heck isn't golden anymore.

    I once had someone tell me that it's NOT blonde and that it looked brown now.
    I'm like "Well it ******* was for the past 18+ years of my life so if it isn't now then wtf?!"

    I used to be so stressed out when I was a teen,
    two parts of my hair on the side actually turned white.

    Not anymore thank goodness.
    I actually probably have unhealthily LOW stress levels now.
  6. BigAl Devoted Player

    I totally understand why everyone hates on Marvel. I would hate them, too, if their TV programs were just as good as the DC ones. I would hate them, too, if their MMO was doing just as good as DC's.

    I like them both, though. Both have good characters that aren't always handled well. Both seem to have issues with any continuity.

    I understand though, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. And no one has the right to impose their opinion on anyone else.
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  7. Coulromaniac Dedicated Player

    I wholeheartedly agree.
    However, facts will always win out over opinions.

    Marvel's characters, while unique,
    have ALWAYS been heavily inspired by other comics,
    most of which are now intellectual property of DC.

    Marvel, like Disney, wants to copyright things that don't rightfully belong to them.
    Those two are a match made in hell.

    Marvel, like Disney, now apart of Disney,
    wields the intellectual copyright laws as a weapon whenever and wherever they see fit.

    I love both Marvel and Disney
    (95% of the time, if not more)
    but there is simply no denying that while their products are enjoyable,
    they themselves, the company, are less than respectable.
  8. CarlynnCarnage 10000 Post Club

    I haven't been blond in a million years. :p
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  9. bareheiny 10000 Post Club

    Fact: Marvel is better than DC.

    No, a lot of things, that's purely subjective opinion. And it's not like DC would do something like try to screw creators out of royalties....which is something a "respectable" business would do.
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  10. BigAl Devoted Player

    Myself, always been more of a Marvel fan, but I do like some DC as well. Neither one or the other have my interest at the moment, with the status quo changing every stinking month.:p
  11. montazumas revenge Devoted Player

    All these"facts"
    Looks around to see if Jack Webb is around
  12. Coulromaniac Dedicated Player


    I guess all companies are kinda sketchy...
    but Marvel is still a biter.
  13. Coulromaniac Dedicated Player

  14. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Have never really cared about the 'company' or 'the brand', have always gone with the individual titles that appealed to me
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  15. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

    This topic needs a bump !

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  16. BigAl Devoted Player

    Did you lose a bet? Or are you being held at gun point and forced to wear that hat? :p

    I kid, I kid.
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  17. ThePastMaster Well-Known Player

  18. Whisper Well-Known Player

    We need more Canadians in our league. Please join to just PO BigAl. :p
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  19. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

    lol. I've been in Canada for a few months so I figured I'd rock the heck out of the maple leaf.
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  20. BigAl Devoted Player

    Serving a sentence? lol
    We have a good handful in our league, all of which have horrible accents. I mean, c'mon, what kind of school system do these people have, eh?:p
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