The Next three powers

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by argillite, Apr 15, 2013.

  1. Sir DitzyDerpington Active Player

    They'd be insane not to choose blood as a power set to go with the trigon dlc, there are so many users... brother blood and, um, errr.... well whatever, it would make a great tank (the more damage recieved= stronger blood shield) ar a great healer (leaching health from enemies to suply it to allies)
  2. Killua19 New Player

    Thank god i´m not the only one! Who had the idea to make HL a Controller in the first place? Ok seriously people explain it to me: How does the ring give other people power? There is no freaking way. Yes the other powers in the game are sometimes a stretch buit at least there is a logical way to explain it..The ring is a machine that turns imagination into real thins. It is a tank power. That one should be a no brainer /rantover
  3. McGhee Well-Known Player

    DLC 7 - quantum

    DLC 8 - Who is the most powerful person in the DC universe? Superman! What is his power? Might/Mastery (Physical)! That's the power for DLC 8 and it will be a tank class. And Man of Steel is scheduled to be released that time of year. Think of the cross promotion! Think of all the power respec tokens sold!

    Who am I kidding? It'll be Atomic and a healer class but I can dream.

    DLC 9 - Shadow/Darkness
  4. recespieces31 New Player

    Next power- Hopefully not Water, like ever!
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  5. Joykiller Dedicated Player

    Please no Water or Wind. If so, just consolodate all the 'elemental' powers into one and be done with it. There are so many other good options - Cosmic, Might/Mastery, Shadow/Darkness, Atomic/Nuclear, Holy, Summoning, etc.
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  6. McGhee Well-Known Player

    They could make water & wind one powerset; weather. All weather is a change in humidity and temperature.
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  7. Nekron 99 Loyal Player

    I would love to see

    Sonic (Sound Waves, Vibrations, Trance, etc.) for Healing
    Supernatural (Constantine, Trigon, Raven like powers) for Tanking

    I think we'll probably see Water and something like Darkness or Magnetism. I wanted Water back before Earth came out but now I don't know how excited I would be for it.
  8. JessTier New Player

    Personally I'd still like to see the Nature power split into plants for ONE POWER and Shape-shifting for another... I've been playing with the idea for a while I've been calling it Primal >LINK HERE< and so far people seem to like it. feel free to give it a look over, it's gone through a few changes since it started but the basic premise has remained the same enjoy :D
  9. Spicoli New Player

    Just ask Mr. Migraine what will be next.
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  10. Zpirit Dedicated Player

  11. zorile New Player

    arg stirin the pot huh lol....
  12. Toxiic Committed Player

    Can someone explain how atomic could be a healer or at least what atomic does because when i think of atomic i think of explosions and people being deformed and stuff... So how could it be a healer?
  13. Owl Devoted Player

    Real world examples of Radiation used in Medical Fields:
  14. WL Corpsman New Player

    can we just be happy that quantum is finally coming and enjoy the new DLC............................
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  15. Zpirit Dedicated Player

  16. StarSource Well-Known Player

    Very thought out. You're logic warms my heart lol. I hope/hope/hope/hope/hope/hope/hope/hope/hope/hope/hope Atomic is launched coming up. I don't care if its healing or tank, as long as it keeps that Omac look. I love the green outlined in black. I love the little atom/bubbles that float on the target. I need this.
  17. DaKrushmor Loyal Player

    DLC 8 - ATOMIC HEALING willing to bet on thousand bucks :cool:
    DLC 9 - who knows... maybe metal/ballistic for tanks cuz in folder ballistic is present too (although not completely unlike atomic)
  18. Stitch Well-Known Player

    And he's not talking about the metal on the Periodic Table.
  19. Stitch Well-Known Player

    The healing power of music would be excellent.
  20. Radium Devoted Player

    The next three powers will be:

    Dylan Controller
    Dylan Healer
    Dylan Tank

    All have the ability to spit hot fire.