The Next Step: Open Episodes Should Be The Norm

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Mr. Awesome, Feb 2, 2017.

  1. bmce84 Loyal Player

    Some things I'll point out before giving an opinion.

    1- Episodes wont have a 3 month time frame anymore since they want to squeeze as much replay as humanly possible from us before they leave. We have to deal with endless waves of cash boxes and pay to win events like the anniversary scam, and seasonal events with items priced just about right to inspire you to buy currency, instead of running the event every day for 30 days (or 28 depending on when the current one ends).

    2- They wont change this model because "MONEY", is that simple. If we even get them as a norm then we'll get even more cash boxes and more scam events, pretty much it will follow the same formula as the vendor gear in AF 3, because if replay and completion was really an issue they could have just limited how many coins we get from raids and alerts.

    3- As is subs aren't worth content, AF3 was never a 5 month long piece of content, even with event after event which combined don't take 1 hour to finish, AF3 just wasn't enough. And since they hate solo and small group content (don't believe me?, look at the difference from AF 1 content and WoL 2 and compare it to this), eventually we'll have to deal with 1-1-1-5, pretty much the raid formula but for content as in 1 solo, 1 duo, 1 alert and 5 raids. Now you tell me what MMO devotes so much to raids?

    Ok so, as far as I care they can make open episodes a thing and keep All Access just for loot locks, and I say this because no game has devalued their membership like this one, it doesn't matter what benefits we have when you see it doesn't actually give us that much of an advantage in content. Also you have a big misunderstanding of what this game FTP actually is, unlike other games where you can actually do some work on this one being FTP is the worst possible thing you can do, it's like a demo and the game doesn't even tell you when it ends, you realize it when you reach T5 and have nothing at all to do. FTP and prems can't use the R&D vendor after a certain tier, can barely afford to repair gear and can't enjoy the cash boxes (btw I'm referring to the Time Capsules, but I refuse to call them that and will call them for what they are). This game can't handle open episodes when their efforts are into taking every cent you have, and don't give me the "it's a company and they need to make money" crap, this sin't their only game and if what they say it's true then it does make money since we still support the PS3, and a game with players but no money isn't worth keeping.

    Also lets not forget there are other successful MMO out there with sub models only, the issue with this game isn't sub models only, the content stop being fun and varied a long time ago, that's when things went bad.
    • Like x 1
  2. SuperBell Loyal Player

    Because people that buy replays now will still buy replays. But DCUO would lose the the revenue of $10 every 3 months with open episodes.

    Those aren't my suggestions. Those are suggestions I've read in this thread. My point was none of those suggestions seem like it's worth the price of subscription.

    It's very related and relevant to the conversation. Why would you want DCUO to lose money? I want DCUO to be around for a long time. That's not a toxic subject.
  3. Pults Loyal Player

    Delet this
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  4. TalonVII New Player

    Honestly, I think this game could stand to learn about something from WarGaming, and how they are doing World of Warships. All content is open for everyone, subs can get to it quicker with better income and XP earnings, but in the end we can all get there.

    That's the way these guys really need to head. Open it up for all, and let the subs have faster access and better rewards. So there is a benefit for subbing, not just saying "hey we like our F2P players, but you can't do half our stuff because you won't give us money." They'd find more people would be willing to spend money if they COULD do everything.
  5. Mr. Awesome Well-Known Player

    Can you explain your comment
  6. Pults Loyal Player

    [YES in Spanish]
  7. Mr. Awesome Well-Known Player

    Oh wow. Thats crazy lol. Thought you meant "delete" but spelled it wrong
  8. Saint Nutella Loyal Player

    I personally think this is a great idea HOWEVER I have some ideas to change this:

    -either make it so that open episodes only goes up to the third or 4th last episode. This could encourage sales since someone would like to get to endgame instead of staying stuck. Not sure if this was mentioned because I'm in a rush so I could only read a handful.