the new raid kandor

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by davemack777, Jul 27, 2016.

  1. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    Listening to what people have to say is not the issue.

    Listening to them eating crunchy chips is the issue.
    Listening to their Rap Hop Hip Hop is the issue.
    Listening to their.... well..... you get the idea. ;)
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  2. Unzero Well-Known Player

    I think they might be trying to make the game more kid friendly, since selling a game with superheroes in it appeals more often to the younger crowd, and when the young crowd tries some of these fights I don't think they like one-shot mechanics and things like that. So they stagger easy runs and hard runs to try to make everyone happy. Since people who have been here a long time continue to trickle out, it's time to cater to new players with fun and easy content. That or the game will die altogether because there is a breaking point where there won't be enough players to warrant keeping the game online.
  3. Unzero Well-Known Player

    Sorry I hit reply on the earlier one and it might have replied to the wrong post!
  4. Captin Raptor Well-Known Player

    i guess both must be dropping because a guy in a group i played in last night got the ring. I wonder if they cut the drop rate in half for each because there are 2 different drops.
  5. Captin Raptor Well-Known Player

    i hear what your saying and i completly agree with the monthly episodes being a problem. Thankfuly were going back to large content releases.

    The problem with the if everyone can play it then everyone can beat it line of thought, is that if its easy enough for everyone to beat it, then the players that want a challenge wont want to play it, and dont get enjoyment out of it. I get that casuals pay their money too and want to play the new stuff, but we pay our money as well and would like to enjoy it every now and then.

    Its defiantly a flawed system. If u make it too easy, the hardcores are upset, if too hard, then casuals are upset, and if its kind of in the middle then no ones really happy.

    Since the monthly content release started, ive been of the mindset that each month should alternate difficult content with easy content, so everyone gets something they want, they just might have to wait a little bit for it.

    Im sure the 3 month cycle will help, but i gurantee that day one, people will be making threads, calling for nerfs on the harder levels, because they want to beat it asap, and dont want to grind the lower level stuff.
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  6. Captin Raptor Well-Known Player

    do u mean u havent seen entire groups of below 170s beat it or anyone below 170 beating it at all? Because some groups were 4 manning it yesterday, and could have carried 4 162 s thru it if they chose to.
  7. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Off Topic: I just saw the guy who stole your name shouting on LFG.
  8. GalaxySniper Loyal Player

    Mmmm I just turn that one guy volume down simple as that. Better talking than typing mid fight. Communication is key
  9. bmce84 Loyal Player

    yeah they where 4 manning it, but they where all near 175, and had a 162 being there he would have died on the spot.
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  10. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    It would have been better, especially since this the last major content for the year, if there had been an elite version of the raid as well.
  11. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    Eons ago.... I would do that too.

    I would turn the one guy volume down.

    Then the two guys volume down.

    Then half the group volume down.

    The more time went on.... and the more and more I needed to turn the volume down of often half the group or more.

    Then I decided that I had enough to always need to turn down the volume of all those that have no considerations for other people...
    So I set my voice chat to the League tab and never looked back ever since.
  12. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    Nexus was 4 manned in tge 1st week. Prime speed feat was had the 1st day with players who had the equivalent of 164 gear
  13. GalaxySniper Loyal Player

    I guess I'm not there yet. If ppl fail in raids over and over again they better go on instance chat or I'm kicking some one or leaving. Even tho ppl say kandor is easy which it is, for a lot of ppl it isn't cause they don't know what to do. And if I or someone can explain the raid on mic they better be on instance chat.

    I still live that pug life lol
  14. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    always gotta be that crowd to complain, about something you know that.
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  15. bmce84 Loyal Player

    Which why I've always said another of the many mistakes with DWF was make it first on the cycle, they knew long before announcing it that it would be the last cycle of 2016, so why not just switch it up and make KCT first and DWF last with Elite, it would have made progression into DWF easier and made more sense to close the year with the biggest bad guy as the last boss.
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  16. Xibo Loyal Player

    This raid is becoming a Replay Badges party.
  17. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    I hate it. Ive heard stories of people thinking i'm a jerk or i kicked them from a instance cause they thought that was me and thats so not cool.
  18. Proxystar #Perception

    link to video of 4 man nexus in the first week of release, i'd like to see that, thanks.
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  19. xPhantom Atom Well-Known Player

    This. From a business point of view, they are selling replays because the raid is easy and people will keep spamming it.. Easy raid = Money.
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  20. GalaxySniper Loyal Player

    Yea there was a youtube video about you being mean in PVP. But ppl commented on the video saying that's not the real you that pvping. So u must have a fan
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