The Current State of Elite Raids from a Honest Player

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Aqua Surge, Nov 10, 2017.

  1. ozzy1111 Dedicated Player

    well. you just answered your own question. they reset first boss. resets. that's all they care about.
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  2. Disruptor Well-Known Player

    Funny thing is that two early raids still have some difficulty to them, even with high rank toons there. Kandaq and the middle Fortress raid.

    Protect the Rock

    Carry the resonator and then protect the resonator.
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  3. light FX Steadfast Player

    If i remember correctly kandaq has had issues since the revamp was on test and has been reported multiple times now by many different players. Almost 4 months into the revamp being live and kinda silly at this point that raid hasnt been adjusted/fixed.

    Id like to point out too that ive never seen anyone on here saying "elite content is too easy. Please make it simply harder by ratcheting up the damage done to the players and giving us a death limit." What i have seen many times is players asking for mechanics in elite. Mechanics that must be obeyed by the group. Different mechanics then normal that make players think and pay attention. Not simply higher or more damage.

    And feats that are different from normal. Example here would be GoM and GoMe last boss feat with the eggs. Both egg feats are the exact same in normal as elite. The only difference is the damage being done to the players and more adds coming out. Extra damage and extra adds are not mechanics. Because the extra adds are doing the same thing as the adds in normal but instead hitting the players for more damage. Even i elite alerts like PZ vs PZe its simply more adds hitting the players harder.

    U can look to AF3, AoJ, and RwC elite content and see the feats like this for normal and elite. I see no creativity here, thats my personal opinion on it. But its mechanics too. There isnt extra mechanics making things harder. Its higher damage or more adds most of the time. I say most of the time because there has been some small things different here n there with normal vs elite. But definitely not enough, at least in my opinion.
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  4. Harlequin Devoted Player

    Gul'dan Normal/Heroic vs Mythic:

    Kil'Jaeden Normal/Heroic vs Mythic

    These mythic bosses take the very best guilds in the world hundreds of pulls over several weeks/months to down. The normal/heroic versions can take average guilds dozens of pulls over several weeks to down. Casual guilds will never even see these versions of these bosses except in videos like these. For those players, there is the LFR difficulty.

    You may find videos of LFR but there really is no point as it is faceroll easy with very few exceptions. So long as some of the raid follows the few mechanics left in the LFR version, you cannot fail.

    DCUO Event raids are television shows. DCUO Normal raids are LFR. DCUO Elite raids are Normal/Heroic. Pick your poison.

    edit: The biggest issue with this game and it's elite content is accessibility. In DCUO, if you want to compete at the highest level, you need the gear/mods (easy to cheese with replays) and you need SP. That takes time. There is no catch-up mechanic in place for SP. The amount just keeps on growing DLC/capsule after DLC/capsule and if you fall behind, you are basically stuck there.

    In WoW, there is a hard reset with each expansion launch and a soft reset when each tier drops during an expansion. We all have to reach max level and farm our beginning raid sets at the start. We all have to level cooking/enchanting/jewelcrafting/alchemy/etc for the buffs/consumables/etc you need to raid. It's a level playing field. When a new tier drops, they add catch-up mechanics (vendors, new crafting recipes, etc) so latecomers can get the gear to enter the new tier's raid to progress. You are never locked out so the devs are free to design content to a certain level because everyone can get there.

    DCUO devs are basically screwed. Since a new player cannot reasonably gather 300 SP or make a full set of max mods in a couple of weeks, they cannot design content to push the players that have that stuff without the rest of the small population feeling excluded. If they design the top content to accommodate players that have less power/stats then the "elite" players will find it too easy. This is a problem that can't be fixed unless they revamp the entire progression model in the game.
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  5. ozzy1111 Dedicated Player

    well said.

    making things stupid hard is not fun.

    making, as you said, mechanics you must obey is much better. just saying, were going to throw a crapload of crap at you. lets see if you can survive. is just lame BS!!! I LIKE HARD. I LIKE MECHANICS. not this crap WE HAVE IN USE AND ZOOE.

    yes. I can see both being done. but only by a few players that will spend HOURS AND HOURS TRYING AT A TIME. fun fun...all there doing is pushing even more players away from the game.

    hard yes. this...NO!!!!!
  6. ozzy1111 Dedicated Player

    I see what your saying. but...the fun of the game is leveling up. working your way to the top. where the game screw's up BIG TIME IS...they made it so new players are not even thought about by the devs. its is all end game. all TC'S. all about the all mighty replays.

    new players come into the game. and most never even make it to endgame anymore. they are pushed to get there ASAP!!!! then, when they do, there so under leveled they cant do much. this game is so messed up. it could be a great game. but...

    and me saying stuff like this is what gets me banned from the boards every month. and I really don't care anymore. ban away...
  7. Harlequin Devoted Player

    The truth hurts.

    No matter what they do, the devs will annoy one group or another. Make elite actually difficult and replay whales will complain that they can't pull randoms from LFG to complete it so they'll stop spamming replays. Make it "accessible" and the top-tier players will have nothing to work towards and might go elsewhere for their fix. Do what they've seemingly decided to do and make several difficulty levels with appropriate rewards and the entitled few will moan that they can't get elite gear because "it's too hard and they pay for the content so they deserve it blah blah blah."

    The devs are screwed no matter what.
  8. ozzy1111 Dedicated Player

    have you done use zooe. hard is one thing. few are saying they don't want the elite stuff hard. MANY are saying we don't want stupid hard. and no. the devs do only what will make the game fast cash. not much thought is put into long term game life. zero is put into new players. they have took a great fun game. and turned it into this dying game.
  9. light FX Steadfast Player

    What about episodes like AF2 that had an easy raid, normal raid, and difficult raid. Can that not happen again? My issue is with normal being on 1 end of the spectrum and elite on the other end. Can there not be something in between?

    But then where AF2 went wrong imo is they made elite thrones unbeatable and said that was intended. But the elite version had better gear. But getting that better gear from the 1st/2nd boss wasnt helping players then beat the last boss. So then going back to do it once u had better gear from the new episode meant the elite gear from elite thrones was irrelevant because the new episode gear was better. So basically they made rewards from the last boss that no one could get until they were irrelevant and the elite rewards players could get made no difference when fighting the last boss in elite. That makes no sense and is beyond flawed. Players in the past have praised that system too :confused: My guess is many never really thought about the system and how it was initially designed.

    Now once the raid was 1st fixed then adjusted it was beatable. But it certainly wast intended to be that way from the start and the devs stated that. It remains to be seen how the new elite system is going to work. Personally id be much more inclined to replay a raid that is beatable and gives rewards that actually make me stronger. Ive yet to see that with the elite gear system in this game. Maybe ep30 will do it.
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  10. Capitaine Courage Active Player

    It's quite amazing that for a game which barely works as a MMO, but more as a dungeon runner, meaning it basically only has instances as content that you repeat ad nauseam (what they sell as open world is not) and where everything is segregated, these kind of concerns still happens.
    I means that they stilll manage to mess progression in what is however a very linear, segregated and purely on rails settings, which is, by itself, almost an accomplishment ...
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  11. Harlequin Devoted Player

    Look at those videos. Listen to the people explaining the strats. Nothing in DCUO compares to encounters like those. They are not designed for every player to conquer.

    WoW provides multiple difficulties (Looking For Raid (lfr), normal, heroic and mythic) so everyone has the chance to experience the story and challenge themselves as little or as much as they wish. DCUO has followed suit with event, normal and elite. Not everyone will complete elite and that is fine. Normal exists for those players.
  12. ozzy1111 Dedicated Player

    this is not wow. there is (after the devs and sony. and now DBG) soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo few players left that will even try elite anymore. and when you do find a few. they either A have so low stats they cant do crap. (looking for a carry) or B try one or 2 trys and rage quite. the game has been so dumbed down, there is very few vets left to do the elite stuff. so, that means only a very few will ever get the feats out of there. not because there not able to do it. but because they cant find enough players that can do it.

    and you somehow think this is a good thing for the game...???
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  13. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    Honest Feedback? Okee doke.

    I don't care for Elite content. Same goes for Survival Mode. Just not fun for me - but I'm a dirty, dirty casual, so YMMV.

    I do like that something like this exists for those who want it and I'm impressed by those who can beat such content without glitching. (Heck, I remember staying up until 3 AM one night because a group was just about to beat the First Oan Survival Mode. They were at round 9 and they got spammed with invites from jealous trolls, causing them to crash. They beat it eventually - and watching them was pretty darn fun. Out of our entire population, only 16 people were able to beat that original SM, and I consider that to be Elite play. But I digress... )

    I've often felt that Elite content should be a face-melting level of difficulty.

    But that's mostly because I get tired of folks saying that content is too easy. :p
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  14. BRITTENY Dedicated Player

    Have you tried the elite raids since the artifacts have dropped? They make a huge difference in terms of damage/survivability. We just completed the Elite Victory feat today. We stopped trying when it was relevant b/c of all of the issues. I'm not saying that's the way it should be, but artifacts make a huge difference. It's the same with Zoo elite. They can be done legit.

    I didn't like the last few elite raids. No elite raid should be beat in last episodes gear. You should have to get geared first and then go in and attempt it. It should also take communication and not rely on luck. Luck based mechanics are stupid and should never be a factor in anything that you're doing. I'd like actual mechanics that punish you if you don't do them. You shouldn't be able to run an elite raid with people not in chat. It shouldn't work that way.

    I really hope with these new raids, these things will be incorporated. I want it to be hard. I want to spend hours in there figuring out the best way to beat it.

    Hopefully we get that with this episode.
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  15. Harlequin Devoted Player

  16. Aqua Surge Loyal Player

    People's artifacts aren't 100 and everyone keeps picking the might one.
  17. BRITTENY Dedicated Player

    That sucks :( I wish people realized you only get one of the buffs, not 5 might buffs lol. We made sure to have everyone pick the support and dps ones so we'd have at least one of each. They don't need to be at 100. Just having the extra stats helps out a lot.
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  18. Aqua Surge Loyal Player

    Yep, most people don't realize that only the strongest version in the group will end up taking effect. :(
  19. Yvtq8K3n Committed Player

    I think the game have a few problems in terms of elite content and im talking about the mechanics. Before it was skill, reaction, timing. But for some reason that idea got lost in time. For some reason the content at least the last 3 raids, were saddly terribles, in terms of quality.

    I will give a few example:
    Ghost boss: It was just terrible, random one shots, skull timing almost inexistent.
    However if you look for the grundy boss, you can see a amazing boss, that requires mechanics! Step on him before he steps on you! Whats the diference between this 2 bosses? One is possible to beat the other isnt.

    1 BOSS: Terrible, you call that an elite boss, thats was just torture for rage tanks, otherwise a very dull boss.
    My suggestions? I would add another boss to that one, and force the group to block on skulls from both bosses.

    Vandal Savage: To be honest, i enjoyed that boss, it was a decent elite boss.

    Per De Gaton: The boss isnt bad, but thoose adds had a ridiculous amount of health.
    1 BOSS: To be honest, nothing special it could be better, calling a bunch of bats doesnt require nothing special, kind of a dispoitement.
    2 BOSS: Oh boy, bosses that lose aggro like santa gives presents, random one shots to group menbers.

    Now lets compare to other elite:
    Olyme: that last boss was epic, plus that soda was like a charm.

    Gome: That 1 and 2 boss were amazing thoose mechanics were perfect. Block Minatuar! Lunge the Phoenix! Free the stoned healer! Flame the tank for dieing! Debuff TROLL DEBUFF! That 4 elite combo feat was amazing and fun to do.

    Oh boy, that was as hard as ... stompa + lashina were unbeatable. We were queuing to get Kali and mantis and lash whit mad harry, but once we get them, you could feel your heart race. Then u had Darkside... In resume it was a end content raid, after all we were figthing the supreme god!

    A joke of elite, mechanics were almost none. Except for last boss where there was a few very little mechanics envolve.

    An amazing raid, there was from the end to the start alot of skill and no second of taking a pause. A hard 2 boss and a very hard and heart beating 3 boss.

    Well not so great, for some reason it was a disapointement.

    I hope this allow the devs to see what lacks in the new elite content and maybe, improve the quality.